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Become a supporter of The Norwich Radical

The Norwich Radical is an independent, not-for-profit online publication that platforms progressive analysis of politics and the arts.
von The Norwich Radical Co-ordinator Team

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The annual costs of running our site and events are currently around £300-400/year - if just ten people give £5/month we will be able to completely cover those costs through supporter contributions.

Who we are

The mainstream media present a distorted and oversimplified view of our world. They platform the powerful and hide their right-wing agenda behind claims of neutrality, all on the bankroll of corporate interests. The Norwich Radical was set up in 2014 to act as a different kind of platform - one that outspokenly calls for social and environmental justice, for an end to state violence and structural oppression, for understanding and representation of marginalised people and perspectives.

We are a not-for-profit, volunteer-run workers’ co-operative. The content we produce and platform is thoughtful, discursive, disruptive and proudly left-wing. In seven years we have published almost two thousand articles, essays, poems and original artworks in our five sections: Arts, Community, Inter|National, Perspectives and Student. We are committed to operating democratically, accountably and transparently, and as part of that commitment we are excited to launch this opportunity for our readers and supporters to help us fund the future of The Norwich Radical.

What your money will do

Our first goal is to cover our regular running costs through supporter contributions. These costs include:

- The hosting fees for our website

- Expenses costs for events we run e.g. War of Words (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

- Other costs associated with our legal status as a workers’ co-operative company e.g. Information Commissioner’s Office fee

- Cost of services we use to run the publication e.g. Zoom

With those costs covered, our next goal will be to fund various improvements to the website and to the administration of the publication e.g. upgrading our wordpress plan and paying for legal/accounting advice when we need it. In addition, this funding will help us run more events, online and in-person, throughout the year.

Beyond that, our ambition is to be able to pay all our editors and contributors for their time and their work. We are also looking to raise funds here and elsewhere on an ad hoc basis for specific projects, so that we can pay internal and external contributors to those projects. Your help to cover our basic costs now will provide us with a strong foundation to achieve these further goals going forward.

As part of our commitment to transparency, we will communicate to all supporters exactly how their money is being spent, as one of the topics in our supporters-only newsletter.