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Help The Quietus to continue bringing you the best in cultural criticism by joining one of our subscription tiers

tQ is Europe’s leading online music magazine & the authoritative voice on the modern counterculture.
by tQHQ

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So far 2,103 members support The Quietus

When we launched The Quietus as an independent publication way back in September 2008 we barely thought we’d be around until Christmas, let alone still going more than a decade later. What’s sustained us during those frequently fraught and impecunious years has been the joy of sharing new culture with you, our hundreds of thousands of readers. Although these have been difficult times and the creative landscape has changed beyond all recognition, every year of our existence has felt more fascinating and diverse than the one before.

Yet with both online and print publications closing at a terrifying rate, the conversation around this culture is in danger of being snuffed out. Whether it’s our end of year album charts, our genre columns, Baker’s Dozens or interviews and opinion pieces, we believe that The Quietus has a vital role to play within the evolving cultural ecosystem as we head deeper into the 21st century.

For the past few years we've worked with Steady to create a subscriber community that enables us to pay our staff and writers in exchange for a whole host of perks. These include exclusive essays, podcasts, a newsletter and monthly playlists for the top Subscriber and Subscriber Plus tiers. What’s more, if you’re a Subscriber Plus tier member you’re helping to financially contribute to some of our favourite artists making new work which we send out exclusively to you every month.

The past 16 years have been a thrilling, chaotic ride. We look forward to many more years of bringing you the best culture from New Weird Britain and the four corners of the globe.

Thank you for subscribing, and for reading our site.

John Doran and Luke Turner,