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Strengthening EU Cohesion Policy: The vital role of delivery systems and budget allocation

April 2024

Strengthening EU Cohesion Policy: The vital role of delivery systems and budget allocation

Cohesion Policy represents a cornerstone of the EU’s efforts to promote economic, social, and territorial cohesion across its member states. Yet, for this policy to truly fulfil its mission, it must be backed by a strong delivery system and sufficient budget.

The report of the group of high-level specialists on the future of Cohesion Policy (Opens in a new window), argues that Cohesion Policy and its delivery system must evolve to align with the changing socio-economic governance landscape of the EU. Furthermore, the budget for Cohesion Policy in the EU post-2027 should increase, reflecting the substantial needs and challenges within the EU. Reducing investment in cohesion would be a mistake and a significant step backwards.

The backbone of Cohesion Policy: A Robust Delivery System

A well-functioning delivery system is the backbone of Cohesion Policy. The delivery system of Cohesion Policy is intricate, designed to ensure responsible and targeted use of funds. This system emphasises thematic concentration, strategic objectives, accountability, shared management, partnerships, and multi-level governance. It is a system designed with a certain level of flexibility to adapt to regional contexts, changing circumstances, and crises, which is crucial for its success. Indeed, it is this structure that allows Cohesion Policy to maintain its focus on long-term goals for cohesion and development across regions.

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Topic Cohesion (policy)


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