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May News (Week 20)

Beloved Creature. Here are the weekly news from your COSMIC CHAOS CLUB

Moon Wisdom - Events - Witchy Tip - Cosmic News

Wishing you all a gentle week and good moods.

Moon Wisdom

The Next Moon Circle will be in June.

Join the Moon circle here:

Monday - Wednesday: Leo
When the moon is waxing in Leo, we can expect a time full of drive and vitality. We are open to parties, excursions and physical activities. We tend to overexert ourselves during these days. It is therefore advisable to plan enough breaks and relaxation on Leo lunar days. The Leo moon also helps us to make long-term plans and pursue them successfully.

Good for:
Cutting thin hair and cut your hair if you want it to grow faster, dying hair in red and / or blonde shades, treat ingrown nails, sport, healing bath, collecting herbs, planting seeds for herbs, plants, nuts and vegetables, recharging yoga, enjoying time together, reading
(Leo represents heart, back, spine and circular system)

Thursday - Saturday: Virgo
We don't like surprises at this time of the lunar cycle. It is therefore a good time to plan, organize and structure. Nevertheless, it is advisable to leave room for flexibility. If it's currently about detailed work, then these are the right days for it. However, we are also more critical and tend to get lost in the details. The waxing Virgo Moon is also good for creating or consolidating healing and healing routines.

Good for:
Strengthening yoga, sports, watering plants, planting, repotting plants, rearrange furniture, wellness and healing baths, dying hair in brown shades, cutting thin hair, permanent wave, hair styling,
(Virgo represents intestine, spleen and abdomen)

Saturday - Sunday: Libra
With the Libra Moon waxing, we also feel an increased urge for harmony and would like to devote ourselves to the beautiful things in life. Issues such as justice and fairness are also felt more intensely at this time. However, this energy also helps us to socialize more and take some things more lightly. In addition, this energy invites us to mediate rather than argue.

Good for:
Sports, planting, baking, traveling, reading, flat search, wellness and energizing and healing baths, washing hair, treat ingrown nails, meeting people, business meetings and conferences
(Libra represents bladder and kidneys)


This week you will find me (cosmic chaos) and the schedule of the movement social club here:

Tuesday 7th: Mat Pilates with Gustavo 6-7 pm

Wednesday 8th: Power Yoga with Linh 8-9 am
Vinyasa Flow with Barbara 6-7 pm

KISMET Esoteric Shop - Witchy consultations and Tarot Talk with
Skai Addams 2-6 pm

TAROT Night with Skai at zum starken August: Start: 8:30 pm

Thursday: Rise and Shine Yoga Flow with Linh 8-9 am
Release and Relax with Skai Addams 7-8 pm

Saturday: Yoga & Dance with Barbara from 12 pm

For Bookings with Movement Social Club - check out Momoyoga for Movement Social Club.

For Bookings with me use calendly or the Momoyoga Cosmic Chaos Club:

Witchy Tips

Friday (Roman Veneris): this day is dedicated to Venus (the roman goddess of love and beauty) or Aphrodite (the greek goddess). In Sanskrit, Friday is Shukra Vara (Day of Venus). The Middle East saw in Venus Ishtar, Goddess of Love and War. And the North tribes believed in Freya or Frigg (both goddesses of love, heaven and beauty). Friday is more associated with Freija while the latin words more associated with Venus. Venus day is for honoring the goddess outside and inside. A good day for beauty treatments, friendship and love. As this day is also very connected to our passion, creativity and magick, we can also enjoy some fun time, embracing pleasure in our life and doing some love, fertility or romance spell work. Plus Venus is ruler of Taurus, so this is a perfect time to celebrate the Fridays during the Taurus season.

Tea Time and Wonder Herbs
Enjoy a love boost and some harmonizing herbs. With these teas, you will feel dreamy and romantic. I suggest some of the following herbs for lovely tea blends.

Rose: Symbolizing love and romance.
Rose petals are often used in teas to evoke feelings of warmth and affection.

Chamomile: Renowned for its calming effects, chamomile tea can help reduce stress and tension, fostering a peaceful atmosphere conducive to love and understanding.

Lavender: Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender promotes relaxation and harmony in relationships. Lavender tea helps to sleep and supports dreaming.

Hibiscus: With its vibrant color and tangy flavor, hibiscus tea is believed to enhance passion and vitality, promoting emotional balance and connection.

Jasmine: Known for its delicate fragrance, jasmine tea is associated with love and sensuality, inspiring feelings of romance and desire.

Mint: Refreshing and invigorating, mint tea promotes clarity and communication, encouraging harmony and understanding in relationships.

Magical Supporter:
Carrying a rose quartz with you in spreads gentle and compassionate vibes.

Taurus season loves styling:
Wear sweet powerful colors associated with this day/ energy: pink and aquamarine.

Kitchen witch:
A little flower magic to enchant a single pink rose for friendship and inner beauty. Place rose petals under your bed to invite / boost love and pleasure.

Tarot Ritual:
To support yourself or a friend (for example during pregnancy or being passionate about the growth of projects ) you can choose the Empress and the Queen of Pentacles.

Cosmic News

What happens this week in the universe and how will it affect us?

Did you finally arrived in Taurus season. Its all about the beauty and joy in life. During this time, we are invited to celebrate our wealth and the harmony we experience in our relationships. Enjoy good food, wellness and some chill time, before the active season of Gemini starts.

Sun-Uranus Conjunction:
Sun and Uranus had just their peak in the conjunction within the sign of Taurus.
The Sun-Uranus conjunction brought a strong urge for independence and freedom, to shape your life in your own way and to break away from the expectations of others.
With Uranus close to the Sun, unexpected changes and surprises may enter our lives more frequently. These changes can be exciting and refreshing, but they could also bring challenges as we need to learn to adapt and be flexible.
Although Uranus symbolizes change and innovation, the conjunction in Taurus could also indicate that there is some skepticism or resistance to change being felt at the same time.

Freaky Weekend: Sun - Jupiter Conjunction and Uranus - Venus Conjunction. Wow… and both are very close to each other in the sign of Taurus. Its bringing big opportunities to grow and Sun and Jupiter together bring luck, expansion and abundance. Venus and Uranus can bring changes in relationships with our partner and family. It's a good time to invest in long-term ventures or pursue ventures that promise steady growth and returns. Relationships may benefit from a sense of generosity and goodwill, with a focus on mutual support and shared goals. This alignment encourages a deeper connection to the Earth and the natural world, fostering a sense of harmony and alignment with the universe. Overall, the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus offers a fertile ground for growth, both materially and spiritually, inviting individuals to embrace abundance with gratitude and responsibility.

A Venus-Uranus conjunction in Taurus heralds a period of excitement and unpredictability in matters of love and finances. Individuals may feel a strong urge to break free from routine and explore new experiences, both in their relationships and financial pursuits. This alignment invites innovation and experimentation in matters of pleasure and aesthetics, leading to unique and unconventional expressions of beauty and style. Creativity flourishes under this influence, with breakthroughs and innovations in artistic expression and cultural trends. Ultimately, the Venus-Uranus conjunction in Taurus encourages individuals to embrace change with an open heart, trusting in the transformative power of love and creativity.

Pluto still retrograde:
And the planet of transformation, change and rebirth is still retrograde (until October). One last time a moment, where the earthy, traditional and conservative energy of Capricorn will try to keep old belief systems. One last time, before Pluto completely moves into Aquarius. So in case you struggling with networking and building a nice home, sorting your ideas and sticking to old routines, and finding structure but enjoying the freedom, thats normal. Pluto brings the transformation, but this comes mostly with chaos. And this is kinda what we experience when a planet is moving so slow and back and for in two signs for months.


Do you like it? Let’s talk about it in the community.

Wishing you a gentle, powerful and magical week.

Much love


Topic News and Wisdom


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