As subscrições de oferta têm início no dia de compra. Isto significa que imediatamente após a compra, o destinatário receberá um e-mail de notificação do presente, com informações sobre como aceder ao mesmo.

Retribua com uma subscrição de oferta
Ao comprar uma subscrição de oferta, está a apoiar os meios de comunicação independentes.
Escolha o tipo de acesso que gostaria de oferecer.
🎁 Escolha o seu presente
slow & steady. moon
Plano 1 de 2: slow & steady. moon
36 €
cobrado uma vez
36 € cobrado uma vez
You read my (blog) posts, newsletters and want to support me on my journey of taking my vision, gifts and passion more seriously (more writing, more talking)?
• more content on Instagram
• join a growing, authentic and nourishing community
Venus. sweet & spicy.
Plano 2 de 2: Venus. sweet & spicy.
53,28 €
cobrado uma vez
53,28 € cobrado uma vez
Reminders to fall in love with your own life
♀ writings that hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for
♀ I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes outside & within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma
♀ moon musings to help you align with your own rhythm, to discover the pearl of truth within your heart
♀ shorter writings to remember the beauty we can find in the simple things, by paying attention and slowing down
slow & steady. moon
Plano 1 de 2: slow & steady. moon
36 €
cobrado uma vez
36 € cobrado uma vez
You read my (blog) posts, newsletters and want to support me on my journey of taking my vision, gifts and passion more seriously (more writing, more talking)?
• more content on Instagram
• join a growing, authentic and nourishing community
Venus. sweet & spicy.
Plano 2 de 2: Venus. sweet & spicy.
53,28 €
cobrado uma vez
53,28 € cobrado uma vez
Reminders to fall in love with your own life
♀ writings that hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for
♀ I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes outside & within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma
♀ moon musings to help you align with your own rhythm, to discover the pearl of truth within your heart
♀ shorter writings to remember the beauty we can find in the simple things, by paying attention and slowing down
slow & steady. moon
Plano 1 de 2: slow & steady. moon
3,10 €
cobrado uma vez
3,10 € cobrado uma vez
You read my (blog) posts, newsletters and want to support me on my journey of taking my vision, gifts and passion more seriously (more writing, more talking)?
• more content on Instagram
• join a growing, authentic and nourishing community
Venus. sweet & spicy.
Plano 2 de 2: Venus. sweet & spicy.
5 €
cobrado uma vez
5 € cobrado uma vez
Reminders to fall in love with your own life
♀ writings that hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for
♀ I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes outside & within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma
♀ moon musings to help you align with your own rhythm, to discover the pearl of truth within your heart
♀ shorter writings to remember the beauty we can find in the simple things, by paying attention and slowing down
slow & steady. moon
Plano 1 de 2: slow & steady. moon
3,10 €
cobrado uma vez
3,10 € cobrado uma vez
You read my (blog) posts, newsletters and want to support me on my journey of taking my vision, gifts and passion more seriously (more writing, more talking)?
• more content on Instagram
• join a growing, authentic and nourishing community
Venus. sweet & spicy.
Plano 2 de 2: Venus. sweet & spicy.
5 €
cobrado uma vez
5 € cobrado uma vez
Reminders to fall in love with your own life
♀ writings that hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for
♀ I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes outside & within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma
♀ moon musings to help you align with your own rhythm, to discover the pearl of truth within your heart
♀ shorter writings to remember the beauty we can find in the simple things, by paying attention and slowing down
Perguntas frequentes
E-mail. Como pessoa que oferece o presente, deverá fornecer um endereço de e-mail para o destinatário. Logo que a compra esteja concluída, será enviado um e-mail com os detalhes da subscrição de oferta (sem o preço, naturalmente) para o endereço de e-mail do destinatário. Se o plano de subscrição que selecionou incluir benefícios físicos entregues por correio, terá de fornecer um endereço de entrega para o destinatário.
As subscrições de oferta não se renovam automaticamente, por isso talvez seja conveniente colocar um aviso no seu calendário se quiser comprar novamente o presente. Todos os pagamentos de subscrições de oferta são pagamentos únicos.
Não está à procura de um presente? Experimente a página de planos.