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Visualize financial data with beautiful Sankey diagrams

Visualize financial data with beautiful Sankey diagrams

The analysis of financial data can quickly become very complex. This is where smart data visualization is helpful. It makes understanding the data easier.

Sankey diagrams are a special type of flowchart, typically used to visualize the flow of measurable resources. They draw the reader's attention because they explain complex data clearly. An intelligent choice of colors allows the reader to understand different flow quantities intuitively.

In this guide, we will show you how to create beautiful Sankey diagrams using Plotly. These diagrams are often used in the financial industry and are very helpful for visualizing financial statements.

We guide you through the entire process, from retrieving data to creating impressive Sankey diagrams. This way, you can create Sankey diagrams like the one shown in the example below.

Sankey Diagram: Apple FY24 Income Statement
Sankey Diagram: Apple FY24 Income Statement (Image by authors)

We will discuss the following points:

  • What is a Sankey diagram?

    • Key Terms

    • Strengths and weaknesses of Sankey diagrams

    • Use Cases

  • Technical requirements

  • Interactive Sankey diagrams with Plotly

  • Create a Sankey diagram of Apple's income statement

    • 10-K filing: Data Access in Python

    • Extract Apple’s financial data from the 10-K filing

    • Sankey diagram “How Apple Makes Money?“

  • Conclusion

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