As subscrições de oferta têm início no dia de compra. Isto significa que imediatamente após a compra, o destinatário receberá um e-mail de notificação do presente, com informações sobre como aceder ao mesmo.

Retribua com uma subscrição de oferta
Ao comprar uma subscrição de oferta, está a apoiar os meios de comunicação independentes.
Escolha o tipo de acesso que gostaria de oferecer.
🎁 Escolha o seu presente
7-inch Plan
Plano 1 de 2: 7-inch Plan
cobrado uma vez
£66 cobrado uma vez
There are no gimmicks, no perks. For just over a £1 a week, you can get the warm glow of knowing that you are doing your bit to help artists get the publicity they desperately need. Your subscription goes directly towards the cost of keeping Louder Than War alive. You will also receive an invite to join a members-only chat-room, where you can meet and exchange ideas with other LTW members.
12-inch Plan
Plano 2 de 2: 12-inch Plan
cobrado uma vez
£102 cobrado uma vez
It’s all about the content. For a monthly sum that is less than the cost of a couple of cuppas, you get:
‣ Weekly members-only newsletter directly from John Robb
‣ Weekly Curated Playlists
‣ Discounts on Merchandise and special offers
‣ Access to an intimate LTW community, where you can meet and exchange ideas with other members
7-inch Plan
Plano 1 de 2: 7-inch Plan
cobrado uma vez
£66 cobrado uma vez
There are no gimmicks, no perks. For just over a £1 a week, you can get the warm glow of knowing that you are doing your bit to help artists get the publicity they desperately need. Your subscription goes directly towards the cost of keeping Louder Than War alive. You will also receive an invite to join a members-only chat-room, where you can meet and exchange ideas with other LTW members.
12-inch Plan
Plano 2 de 2: 12-inch Plan
cobrado uma vez
£102 cobrado uma vez
It’s all about the content. For a monthly sum that is less than the cost of a couple of cuppas, you get:
‣ Weekly members-only newsletter directly from John Robb
‣ Weekly Curated Playlists
‣ Discounts on Merchandise and special offers
‣ Access to an intimate LTW community, where you can meet and exchange ideas with other members
7-inch Plan
Plano 1 de 2: 7-inch Plan
cobrado uma vez
£6 cobrado uma vez
There are no gimmicks, no perks. For just over a £1 a week, you can get the warm glow of knowing that you are doing your bit to help artists get the publicity they desperately need. Your subscription goes directly towards the cost of keeping Louder Than War alive. You will also receive an invite to join a members-only chat-room, where you can meet and exchange ideas with other LTW members.
12-inch Plan
Plano 2 de 2: 12-inch Plan
cobrado uma vez
£9.50 cobrado uma vez
It’s all about the content. For a monthly sum that is less than the cost of a couple of cuppas, you get:
‣ Weekly members-only newsletter directly from John Robb
‣ Weekly Curated Playlists
‣ Discounts on Merchandise and special offers
‣ Access to an intimate LTW community, where you can meet and exchange ideas with other members
7-inch Plan
Plano 1 de 2: 7-inch Plan
cobrado uma vez
£6 cobrado uma vez
There are no gimmicks, no perks. For just over a £1 a week, you can get the warm glow of knowing that you are doing your bit to help artists get the publicity they desperately need. Your subscription goes directly towards the cost of keeping Louder Than War alive. You will also receive an invite to join a members-only chat-room, where you can meet and exchange ideas with other LTW members.
12-inch Plan
Plano 2 de 2: 12-inch Plan
cobrado uma vez
£9.50 cobrado uma vez
It’s all about the content. For a monthly sum that is less than the cost of a couple of cuppas, you get:
‣ Weekly members-only newsletter directly from John Robb
‣ Weekly Curated Playlists
‣ Discounts on Merchandise and special offers
‣ Access to an intimate LTW community, where you can meet and exchange ideas with other members
Perguntas frequentes
E-mail. Como pessoa que oferece o presente, deverá fornecer um endereço de e-mail para o destinatário. Logo que a compra esteja concluída, será enviado um e-mail com os detalhes da subscrição de oferta (sem o preço, naturalmente) para o endereço de e-mail do destinatário. Se o plano de subscrição que selecionou incluir benefícios físicos entregues por correio, terá de fornecer um endereço de entrega para o destinatário.
As subscrições de oferta não se renovam automaticamente, por isso talvez seja conveniente colocar um aviso no seu calendário se quiser comprar novamente o presente. Todos os pagamentos de subscrições de oferta são pagamentos únicos.
Não está à procura de um presente? Experimente a página de planos.