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What Orchids Taught Me About Overloving Things to Death

Hey Family,

So, it’s been a mad few months, and not in a “living-my-best-life” kinda way. More in the “juggling-a-thousand-things-and-dropping-most-of-them” kinda way. Work’s been wild, the podcast has had to take a backseat, and don’t even ask me about my inbox. But amidst the chaos, two little rays of sunshine broke through—and I wanted to share them with you.

Ray of Sunshine #1: The Power of Definitions

I was deep in a comment section (you know the kind… where people argue over terms no one’s actually defined properly) when I had a bit of a lightbulb moment. It hit me—there are so many people out here genuinely confused about certain terms, especially the ones we throw around in social justice, education, and cultural convos.

Now yes, I know the dictionary exists. But let’s be real—it’s not always where folks turn when scrolling TikTok or bingeing a podcast. And sometimes, the dictionary ain’t all that helpful anyway.

So I thought, why not do a little side project? A mini-series. Something short, snappy, and useful. That’s how Black History Buff: Definitions was born. Little audio and video bonus episodes where I break down key terms—stuff like “epistemic erasure”—so we’re all on the same page. I’ve started recording already, and the first few will be going out to my Patreon family first. Just a little thank-you to those riding with me through the quiet spells.

You can join me on Patreon using this link Join The Village (Abre numa nova janela)

…and yes you can join for free :)

Ray of Sunshine #2: The Orchid Revelation

Now, this next one is deeply personal. I finally—finally—got one of my orchids to bloom. I know. Doesn’t sound like much. But for me? Monumental.

You see, I’ve always been terrible with plants. My mum’s got the green fingers, not me. But as I’ve grown older, become a dad, taken on more responsibilities—I’ve found myself becoming more nurturing. First it was pets. Then came the plants.

And orchids? Whew. They humbled me. I’d buy one, water it lovingly, and within a week—dead. Turns out I’m a chronic overwaterer. I was literally loving these plants to death. That’s right. Plantocide.

And it made me stop and think… how many other things in my life have I overwatered? Overloved? Overmanaged? Smothered to the point of collapse?

That orchid became a mirror.

Sometimes the Best Thing You Can Do is... Nothing

What I’ve learned—painfully, slowly, through trial and error—is this: sometimes the job of a grower isn’t to give more, but to take away. Remove what’s blocking growth. Strip back the noise. Let the thing breathe. And then… just wait. Trust. Step back.

That simple shift in mindset has helped me become a better parent. A better partner. A better community member.

So if you’re in a season where something’s not thriving—your creativity, a relationship, a goal—you might not need to “do” more. Maybe it’s time to take something away. Give it space. And trust that, like my stubborn little orchid, it’ll bloom in its own time.

Until next time,

Thanks for sticking with me, even when I go quiet. I’ve got some exciting things in the works, and I can’t wait to share them with you.



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