Legion of Light Election Day Prayer Circle
Tuesday, 5 November
1-2pm Eastern Time | 7-8am CET

This Tuesday, Election Day in the US, our partner organisation The Empowerment Institute, will be devoting its monthly Legion of Light Prayer Circle to creating a field of peace across America.
The intention is to radiate oneness, unity and cooperation to Americans on this critical day for democracy and over the ensuing weeks. The peace field created will tap into what President Lincoln called “our better angels.”
Speaking in New York, David Gershorn, founder of the Empowerment Institute and creator the worldwide Peace Games Initiative (Si apre in una nuova finestra)said:
“May this election serve as a catalyst to empower, transform and enlighten Americans. May America serve as a role model for befriending the other, celebrating our common humanity and cooperating for the common good.”
If you would like to say a prayer for America, wherever you live in the world, please join David and friends by registering on the link below and do please invite others to join as well by sharing this communication.