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slow & steady. moon
Piano 1 di 2: slow & steady. moon
36 €
fatturati una volta sola
36 € fatturati una volta sola
You read my (blog) posts, newsletters and want to support me on my journey of taking my vision, gifts and passion more seriously (more writing, more talking)?
• more content on Instagram
• join a growing, authentic and nourishing community
Venus. sweet & spicy.
Piano 2 di 2: Venus. sweet & spicy.
53,28 €
fatturati una volta sola
53,28 € fatturati una volta sola
Reminders to fall in love with your own life
♀ writings that hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for
♀ I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes outside & within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma
♀ moon musings to help you align with your own rhythm, to discover the pearl of truth within your heart
♀ shorter writings to remember the beauty we can find in the simple things, by paying attention and slowing down
slow & steady. moon
Piano 1 di 2: slow & steady. moon
36 €
fatturati una volta sola
36 € fatturati una volta sola
You read my (blog) posts, newsletters and want to support me on my journey of taking my vision, gifts and passion more seriously (more writing, more talking)?
• more content on Instagram
• join a growing, authentic and nourishing community
Venus. sweet & spicy.
Piano 2 di 2: Venus. sweet & spicy.
53,28 €
fatturati una volta sola
53,28 € fatturati una volta sola
Reminders to fall in love with your own life
♀ writings that hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for
♀ I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes outside & within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma
♀ moon musings to help you align with your own rhythm, to discover the pearl of truth within your heart
♀ shorter writings to remember the beauty we can find in the simple things, by paying attention and slowing down
slow & steady. moon
Piano 1 di 2: slow & steady. moon
3,10 €
fatturati una volta sola
3,10 € fatturati una volta sola
You read my (blog) posts, newsletters and want to support me on my journey of taking my vision, gifts and passion more seriously (more writing, more talking)?
• more content on Instagram
• join a growing, authentic and nourishing community
Venus. sweet & spicy.
Piano 2 di 2: Venus. sweet & spicy.
5 €
fatturati una volta sola
5 € fatturati una volta sola
Reminders to fall in love with your own life
♀ writings that hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for
♀ I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes outside & within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma
♀ moon musings to help you align with your own rhythm, to discover the pearl of truth within your heart
♀ shorter writings to remember the beauty we can find in the simple things, by paying attention and slowing down
slow & steady. moon
Piano 1 di 2: slow & steady. moon
3,10 €
fatturati una volta sola
3,10 € fatturati una volta sola
You read my (blog) posts, newsletters and want to support me on my journey of taking my vision, gifts and passion more seriously (more writing, more talking)?
• more content on Instagram
• join a growing, authentic and nourishing community
Venus. sweet & spicy.
Piano 2 di 2: Venus. sweet & spicy.
5 €
fatturati una volta sola
5 € fatturati una volta sola
Reminders to fall in love with your own life
♀ writings that hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for
♀ I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes outside & within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma
♀ moon musings to help you align with your own rhythm, to discover the pearl of truth within your heart
♀ shorter writings to remember the beauty we can find in the simple things, by paying attention and slowing down
Domande frequenti
Via e-mail. Al momento dell’acquisto, ti sarà chiesto di fornire l’indirizzo e-mail del destinatario. Non appena l’acquisto sarà completato, il destinatario riceverà un'e-mail con tutti i dettagli (escluso il prezzo, ovviamente). Se l'abbonamento che hai selezionato prevede la consegna di beni fisici per posta, ti sarà richiesto di fornire l’indirizzo di consegna del destinatario.
Gli abbonamenti in regalo non si rinnovano automaticamente. Se hai intenzione di ripetere il regalo, imposta un promemoria nel tuo calendario. Tutti i pagamenti per gli abbonamenti in regalo sono pagamenti una tantum.
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