Your Playlists for September 2024 are Here!
Hours of music arrives for our lovely subscribers

It’s that time of the month again when tQ’s deputy ed. Paddy Clarke starts hammering the levers of the streaming services to bring you the epic playlists of everything we’ve been writing about recently. This time around, the look back on September 2024 is a bumper crop five hours long, with music from the likes of Divide And Dissolve, The Cure, White Magic For Lovers, FKA Twigs, Xiu Xiu, Naima Bock, Sealionwoman, Broadcast, Floating Points, Dame Area, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Mogwai, Special Interest, The Body, Dorothy Carlos, The Jesus Lizard, Fat Dog, Seefeel, The Waeve and The Wolfgang Press – and that’s only a fraction of it. Your reminder that the Low Culture exclusive material this past month included John and Luke discussing Terence Davies’ Liverpool documentary Of Time And The City (Si apre in una nuova finestra), the Organic Intelligence newsletter on rare Italian film soundtracks (Si apre in una nuova finestra), and a beautiful essay on familial loss through the prism of home-recorded tapes of the BBC’s 1981 radio adaptation of The Lord Of The Rings (Si apre in una nuova finestra). Subscriber Plus members will have had an EP from The None, the blisteringly heavy new band involving Gordon Noakes ex of Bloc Party. Read an interview with The None here (Si apre in una nuova finestra) and Subscriber tier members, remember you can upgrade here (Si apre in una nuova finestra) to get this and two other releases (from Nurse With Wound and Thee Alcoholics) right away. Thanks as ever for your support, we wouldn’t be here without you. Your playlists are below.
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