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Own your story. Own your past. Own your experiences. Own your mistakes. Own your failure. Own your decisions.

Owning your story without fear or shame means owning the power.

Was bedeutet das genau? Owning your story? Und warum ist es so unglaublich wichtig, sowohl für unsere Gegenwart als auch für unsere Zukunft?

This Episode is Part 2 when we talk about true independence, being powerful, unbreakable, unstoppable, fearless. Und wo dich nichts und niemand hops nehmen kann.

In der letzten Episode 36 ging es um den ersten Part. The Inner Wealth. Something that nothing and no one can take away from you. Never. And in this Episode 37 we will talk about the power of owning your story.

Und der dritte Part? Next week, Episode 38, we will talk about how you can proof to yourself and make sure that you are capable of. Capable of what? Everything.

Let’s talk about that Rebel

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show me the plans (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

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