Ursula von der Leyen’s plan for 2024-2029 & the future of Cohesion Policy
July 2024

On 18 July 2024, Ursula von der Leyen delivered a comprehensive speech outlining her policy guidelines for the next five years. This was a pivotal speech, setting the tone for the European Union's priorities and strategic direction. While the speech covered a wide range of topics, the emphasis was on unity, resilience and strategic leadership in a rapidly changing global landscape. We want to see that it says about the future of Cohesion Policy.
Selected key messages
The main aim of von der Leyen's speech was to set out a coherent and ambitious plan for the EU to meet the diverse challenges of today's world. At the heart of this are four clear choices that she outlined:
To face the uncertain world around us alone, or to unite our societies and our values.
To be dependent and let divisions weaken us, or to be bold in our ambitions and confident in our actions, working with our partners around the world.
To ignore new realities or the pace of change, or to see the world and the threats around us as they really are.
To let the extremists and appeasers win, or to ensure that our democratic forces remain strong.
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