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Synergy Potential: Unlocking the power of collaboration

April 2023

Synergy potential: unlocking the power of collaboration

In times of declining financial means, it is important to take a closer look at potential synergies between policies. Many objectives cannot be achieved by a single policy but require various policies to play together – this is particular the case in an environment of increasing financial constraints. As stressed in earlier blog posts, e.g. cohesion cannot be achieved through cohesion policy alone. It needs also other policies to contribute. This requires the coordination of policies. In most cases policy coordination focuses on complementarities. Would it make sense to rather think of policy coordination as identifying synergy potential?

Complementarities vs. synergies

Complementarities and synergies are two concepts to describe the ways in which policies interact with each other.

Complementarities refer to the ways in which policies can enhance or support each other. When two or more policies are complementary, they work together to create a greater overall effect than they would if they were working separately. For example, they can complement each other in terms objectives, instruments use, areas covered or timing. Complementing policies can be imagined as different pieces of a puzzle.

Synergies, on the other hand, refer to the ways in which different policies can create new or additional value when they are combined. When two or more policies create a synergy, the overall effect is greater than the sum of its parts. Synergies refer to the ways in which different policies can create a new or additional value when they are combined.

To fully realise the benefits of synergy potential, ChatGPT says it is important to create a culture of collaboration, fostering an environment of trust, open communication, and mutual respect. Encouraging teamwork across policy domains, setting clear goals, and providing opportunities for individuals and teams to work together can also help to create a culture of collaboration. By doing so, they can tap into the power of synergy and unlock their full potential.

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