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July-August (Week 30 & 31)

Welcome to the Cosmic Chaos. So many new subscribers. I’m all over the moon to welcome you and hope you enjoy this bi-weekly newsletter as much as I enjoy to create it for you. ♡

Are you ready for upcoming Leo Season?

The Sun is hot and shining bright, and so are we as soon as Leo season starts. What are your plans for summer? Are you traveling during holiday season or enjoying the late summer vibes in September?

I will be on holidays from August 16th until August 27th. But no worries, you will receive your TarotScope right on time when Virgo Season starts.

In case you wanna book a reading before I’m off, check out my
CALENDLY (Si apre in una nuova finestra)
for free slots or contact me via mail.

As you know, I launched my third bundle here at Steady:
TAROPY - the monthly Tarot Therapy.
If you were waiting for your monthly Tarot Abo including the monthly TarotScope and 20% discount code, this is your change to save one of the very limited spots.

End of August another mystical and sacred offer is waiting for you. This will be very special to me, as I will finally bring all my fav practices together in one offer and this one really gets under your skin.

The SACRED INK RITUAL will combine Tarot, Meditation, Witchcraft, Breath Work and Tattooing.

Maybe you have already an idea, how this ritual will be, if not - stay tuned and make sure to book one of the first Sacred Ink Rituals and experience an unique journey to your inner needs and wishes and the next level of intention setting. The first three Bookings will receive a very special price as a welcome gift. Are you ready for this? For more infos or booking requests - contact me.

And now let’s start with the news and wisdom.

But before…

Did you draw some cards during the Full Moon in Capricorn? No? Here is a helpful spread to support your with your long-term goals:

The Cosmic Chaos Collective!

You wanna exchange with like-minded? Become a Cosmic Chaos Member and join our Telegram Community, receive the monthly TarotScope (only “Reflection” and “Taropy” Membership), or support my work as a silent supporter. You will receive the newsletter, free events and a permanent discount code.

What you will find:

Moon Movement - which signs and what do we need to know about it

Mental Health - Skills, support and facts

Witchy Wisdom - learn about many different topics like herbs, crystals, tarot, months, moons, spells, rituals and much more

Cosmic News - I provide a little insight of cosmic energies.

Events - Events and Classes to join in Berlin

Wishing you all two gentle weeks and good moods. Enjoy the news <3

Moon Movement


Find the moon placements during the next two week. We are in the waning moon phase (the Ying phase or the feminine / passive energy), These two weeks the energy is sensitive and directed inwards.

Monday - Tuesday: Waning Moon in Aquarius
Things to Do:
Reflect and Reassess: Use this time to evaluate your goals and aspirations, particularly those related to community involvement and personal freedom.

Clean up your digital life by organizing files, emails, and social media. This can help clear mental clutter.

Things to Avoid:
Major Social Changes: Avoid making drastic changes in your social circles or community roles. It's a time for introspection, not upheaval.

Limit exposure to excessive information or technology that can overwhelm your mind


Tuesday - Thursday: Waning Moon in Pisces
Things to Do:
Meditate and Journal: Engage in meditation and reflective journaling to process emotions and intuitive insights.

Focus on finishing creative projects that allow for emotional expression and release.

Things to Avoid:
Escapism: Avoid indulging in escapist behaviors such as excessive drinking, over-sleeping, or binge-watching TV.

Steer clear of making significant commitments or decisions as clarity might be lacking.

Thursday - Saturday: Waning Moon in Aries
Things to Do:
Release Anger: Find healthy ways to release your anger or frustration through physical activity or assertive communication.

Focus on finishing tasks that require energy and initiative.

Things to Avoid:
Starting New Ventures: Avoid initiating new projects or ventures. It’s a time to wind down, not to ramp up.

Be cautious of acting on impulse. Think through actions before executing them.

Saturday - Monday: Waning Moon in Taurus
Things to Do:
Organize Finances: Review and organize your finances, budgeting, and spending habits.

Indulge in self-care activities that nurture the body and soul, like massages or nature walks.

Things to Avoid:
Overindulgence: Avoid excessive indulgence in food, drink, or luxury items. Practice moderation.

Be wary of becoming too inflexible or resistant to change.

Tuesday - Wednesday: Waning Moon in Gemini
Things to Do:

Clear Communication: Take time to clear up misunderstandings and complete communication tasks such as responding to emails or calls.

: Engage in activities that help clear your mind, like reading, puzzles, or light intellectual discussions.

Things to Avoid:
Gossip and Rumors: Avoid engaging in gossip or spreading rumors. Focus on constructive conversations.

Steer clear of multitasking. Concentrate on completing one task at a time to avoid mental clutter.

Thursday - Saturday: Waning Moon in Cancer
Things to Do:
Emotional Cleansing: Work on releasing emotional baggage through therapy, talking with a trusted friend, or writing.

Focus on small improvements and clean-ups around the home to create a nurturing environment.

Things to Avoid:
Over-sensitivity: Avoid dwelling too much on past hurts or becoming overly sensitive to others' opinions.

Be careful not to neglect personal boundaries; it's important to maintain them.

Saturday - Monday: Waning Moon in Leo
Things to Do:
Set Bold Intentions: Use this powerful new moon to set ambitious and courageous goals, particularly those related to creativity and self-expression.

Celebrate Yourself: Take time to celebrate your achievements and showcase your talents. Plan a small event or activity that makes you feel special.

Things to Avoid
Seeking External Validation: Avoid relying too much on others' approval or validation for your self-worth.

Be mindful of not letting your ego lead to conflicts. Strive for confidence without arrogance.



Topic of the Week: Summer and Mental Health

Certain aspects of mental health can be particularly relevant in summer. Don’t forget to check in with your friends, colleagues and family. We are more used to talk about mental health in winter months, but did you know that also summer has its challenges and some of us are suffering a lot in summer and during holiday season? Here are four topics that can be important and need our attention:

Summer depression (SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder):

While the winter months are often associated with SAD, some people suffer from a specific form of seasonal depression in the summer. The long days and heat can trigger feelings of restlessness and exhaustion in some people. Some may find it hard to fall asleep or sleep enough. For example my average sleeping hour decreases to 4hrs during summer months, while my energy level is still very high but not healthy, which causes problems with circular system, concentration, physical pain and more.

Body image and self-perception (Body Dysmorphia Disorder):

Summer can increase the pressure to look ‘summer ready,’ which can lead to increased self-criticism and negative body images. Media coverage of ‘perfect’ summer bodies can increase stress and dissatisfaction with your own body image. Nowadays this negative trend starts from a very young age. Since Instagram and TikTok are more and more used by young kids, body dysmorphia starts already at the age of 11 or even earlier. Two-thirds of people with BDD experience onset of the disorder before age 18. This disorder can lead to anorexia, bulimia, eating disorder, sport addiction and many more.

Social isolation and loneliness:

While many people are more socially active in the summer, others may feel isolated, especially if they don't have the opportunity to participate in summer activities or have access to social networks. What's more, bringing so many people together can harbour enormous risks for some of us. If you live with chronic illnesses and/or a weak immune system, large gatherings of people can transmit diseases more quickly, especially if sufficient protection or distance is not provided. This can also be a reason to isolate. Not wearing masks is also overwhelming for many of those affected and can cause anxiety.

Anxiety and stress due to changes in routines:

Summer often brings a disruption to usual routines with holidays and vacations. These changes can cause stress and anxiety for some people as they are uprooted from their usual structures and habits. Also here I can make a big check. Every time holidays are starting, the lack of daily routines causes me inner restlessness, irritability and increased sensitivity. This often leads to emotional instability and impulsive outbursts of anger. Breath work, Mindfulness and small rituals like breakfast, walks in nature and meditation can help to reduce the stress level.

Witchy Wisdom


The name "May" comes from the Latin word "Maius," which is derived from Maia, an ancient Roman goddess of spring and fertility. In Roman mythology, she was often linked to the earth and its flourishing during the springtime. It's also the month of Beltane (Walpurgisnacht in Germany) and the Celtic God of Light: Bel. The sacred fire was lit and brought protection, union and purification. May is also known as the month of joy/ merry.

Pagan Traditions: Beltane (1st of April):

Beltane, celebrated on May 1st, marks the peak of spring and the onset of summer. It's a festival of fire and fertility, honoring the blossoming earth and the union of the God and Goddess. Traditionally, communities light bonfires, dance around Maypoles, and engage in rituals to bless crops and livestock. Beltane is a time of joy, growth, and vibrant life, embracing the abundance and warmth of the season.

Associated Plants and Herbs:
Lily of the Valley: Purity, humility and the return of happiness, attracts love.
Lilac: Renewal, youthful innocence and first love.

Zodiac: Taurus & Gemini. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. This fast thinker can adapt easily and is very open minded and curious. While nature is fully blooming in May, so are our ideas.

Moon: Pink Moon / Easter Moon
Flower Moon: The Full Moon in May is traditionally called the Flower Moon, named for the abundant blooming of flowers during this month. It's a time of growth and beauty.

Blue Moon: Occasionally, May can have a second Full Moon, known as a Blue Moon. This is a rare event and adds an extra layer of energy and significance to the month.


Magical Supporter:
Emerald: associated with love, harmony and spiritual growth.
Chrysoprase: stands for love, compassion and healing the heart

Cosmic News


What’s happening in the universe and how will it affect us?

The Moon transits the following planets in the next two weeks and create conjunctions which having an impact on our emotional word, dreams and subconscious:

Pluto: This conjunction brings deep emotional transformations and intense psychological insights, especially regarding social connections and collective ideals. It's a powerful time for breaking free from outdated emotional patterns and embracing innovative ways of thinking and feeling.

Saturn: This aspect may evoke a sense of emotional restriction or the need to confront deep-seated fears and insecurities, often related to spirituality or subconscious issues. It's a period for cultivating emotional resilience and finding stability through introspection and compassionate self-discipline.

Neptune: This conjunction enhances emotional sensitivity and intuition, fostering a dreamy, idealistic atmosphere that blurs the boundaries between reality and fantasy. It's a good time for creative and spiritual pursuits but be cautious of deception and escapism.

Uranus: Expect sudden emotional shifts and unconventional desires that challenge traditional values and material attachments. This aspect encourages embracing change and finding new ways to achieve emotional security and freedom.

Mars: This conjunction brings heightened emotional energy and a desire for quick, assertive communication, potentially leading to heated discussions or impulsive actions. It's a time for expressing feelings boldly but be mindful of potential conflicts and misunderstandings.

Jupiter: Emotional expansion and optimism are highlighted, with a strong urge to share knowledge and connect with others through lively conversations. This aspect fosters intellectual growth and emotional generosity, but beware of overextending or promising too much.

Sun: This powerful alignment, known as a New Moon, emphasizes self-expression, creativity, and the desire for recognition and appreciation. It's an ideal time for setting new intentions related to personal ambitions and embracing your inner confidence and leadership.

Venus in Leo:
Venus in Leo enhances your ability to love and appreciate with boldness and extravagance. It encourages you to express affection and desire with flair, passion, and a touch of drama. Venus in Leo also connects romantic impulses with creativity, urging you to pursue love and beauty with a generous heart and a sense of style. Embrace your Venus in Leo energy to celebrate love, inspire creativity, and radiate joy in your relationships.

Sun Trine Neptune:
This aspect enhances creativity, intuition, and spiritual awareness, making it an ideal time for artistic pursuits and deepening your connection to your inner self. It brings a harmonious blend of imagination and inspiration, allowing you to see beyond the ordinary and embrace a more compassionate and empathetic outlook on life.

Moon Trine Jupiter:
This trine brings a sense of emotional well-being, optimism, and generosity, fostering positive relationships and an overall sense of contentment. It's a favorable time for expanding your horizons emotionally, enjoying social gatherings, and experiencing a deeper sense of gratitude and joy.

Mercury Square Uranus:
This aspect can bring sudden and unexpected changes in communication and thought processes, leading to innovative ideas but also potential misunderstandings and impulsive decisions. It’s a time to be cautious with words and actions, as the urge for mental freedom and new perspectives can create tension and disrupt routines.

There are many more interesting constellation. If you are curious to discover more or you wanna talk about your chart, send me a dm or book a reading with me. Astrology is a wonderful tool and language to discover yourself and cosmic energies.


This week you will find me, the schedule of the movement social club and other cool events here:

Monday 22nd & 29th July: NEW CLASSES AND OFFERS

8:00 Mat Pilates with Nicci NEW+NEW+NEW
18:00 Dynamic Yoga Flow
20:00 Rest and Recovery Yoga Flow

Tuesday 23rd & 30th July:
8:00 Power Yoga with Linh
18:00 Mat Pilates with Nicci
20:00 Yin by Candlelight with Jenni

Wednesday 24th & 31st July:
8:00 Strong Morning Flow with Petra NEW+NEW+NEW
18:30 Vinyasa Flow with Barbara NEW+NEW+NEW
14:00-18:00 Skai at Kismet TattooTarot NEW+NEW+NEW
20:30 Tarot Night at zum starken August Start 20:30 with Skai

Thursday 25th July & 1st August:
8:00 Rise and Shine Yoga Flow with Linh

TECHNO & TAROT @ Fauves Nuite OXI CLUB from Midngiht on (only 25th July) with Skai

Friday 26th July & 2nd August:
18:00 Power Pilates with Rommy
15:00-19:00 Skai at Kismet TattooTarot

Saturday 27th July and 3rd August:
12:00 Yoga and Dance with Barbara
12:00 - 19:00 Skai at Kismet (only 27th July!)

Sunday 28th July & 4th August:
10:30 Flow & Glow Yoga with Jenni

12:00 COMMUNITY EVENT (Sunday 28th July) NEW+NEW+NEW
18:30 LEO NEW MOON CIRCLE (Sunday 4th August) (Si apre in una nuova finestra) (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

NEW MOON CIRCLE LEO (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

For Movement Social Club:

For Cosmic Chaos Club:

For Readings:


Do you like it? Let’s talk about it in the c (Si apre in una nuova finestra)ommunity.

Wishing you lots of magical moments.

Much love


Argomento News and Wisdom

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