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Beetlecrab Tempera Granular Synthesizer Talk to Developer

We are about to check out the history and background of the upcoming TemperaGranularSampler / Synthesizer. We will ask Andre from Beetlecrab everything about it and try to find out who will love this instrument.

this episode will be kept in english - including the chat - you can ask and post everything - so our guest can react and reply to you.

you may watch the last part first and later the first one - it’s sort of an experiment. and live. so this is not a streamlined “info video” but a real talk. incl. “searching” for settings and sounds ;) (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

we will be live and online at 20:30 CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME.

you can post anything below and comment, give us likes and feedback if you like or add anything. youtube sometimes may remove things without asking us - but try it without a link - should work.

here is a little audio demo - talking just to listen - because our live-demos may not be perfect: (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

next episode will be a normal talk again.

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