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Mom, Can You Pick Me Up? The Girls Are Web Weaving Again

Hey dolls,

Happy Thursday! Here’s your weekly digest of everything going on in the Dollhouse, from web weaving on TikTok to the women making Mandarin pop music in the 1970s.

TikTok Quote Dumps: The Girlies Are Web Weaving Again (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

Emma Quin explores the newest TikTok trend updated from the Tumblr era for Gen Z, and asks whether it’s all part of the language we use to express our emotions online.

How Niche Plastic Surgery and Tweakments Took Over Our Feeds (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

J’Nae Phillips writes on how normalised plastic surgery has become by the algorithm, and the knock-on effects of seeing tweakments all around us.

How The Influencer Economy Inspires Class Resentment (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

While flaunting your wealth might once have been thought of as a gauche habit, Florence Mbuyi examines a new trend among the established elite: “The 1% seem to go by a new creed,” she writes. “New money shouts, old money vlogs.”

An Ode to Fiona Apple, The Ultimate Video Vixen (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

In this essay, Eleanor Brady explains how Fiona Apple’s feminist musicianship also extends into the world of her music videos.

The Moody Bisexual Artist In Passages and Petra Von Kant (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

Jayne O’Dwyer compares the upcoming erotic drama Passages with 1972’s The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant, in particular their treatment of the “moody bisexual artist” trope.

Shining a Light on the Eerie-Groovy Girls of ‘70s Mandarin Pop (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

And finally, Ella Dorn gives us a primer on the unique sound of 70s Mandarin pop, and the women who made it.

See ya next week!


The Polyester Team <3

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