I’m a new European!
New Europeans UK launches exciting new campaign to promote European identity - be a part of it!

Europe is much wider than the territory of the EU and Europeans come in all shapes and sizes and are not just passport holders of EU member states.
It’s time to overcome the divisions of the past and to set our sights on the future. It’s time to talk about our new European identity.
Europe is not just a geographical concept, it is a safe space for shared values, like freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
These are universal values and the point about European society is that we try to build institutions, whether inside or outside the EU, that are true to these values. We do that in the UK, we do it in Ukraine, and we do it in the EU, too.
When the world is in such a state of crisis and flux, when democracy and human rights are threatened everywhere by conflict, poverty and climate change, does it really make sense to re-visit the battles of the past at this time?
The political fight over Britain’s membership of the EU will go on for as long as people question the merits and consequences of that decision.
In the meantime, let us also remember that there were may things people agreed on across the leave/remain divide.
One of these was the notion that inside or outside the EU we are all Europeans.
So let us celebrate our new European identity, understand what it means, and make it as inclusive as we can, noteast by doing our best to continue to safeguard and strengthen the rights of EU citizens in the UK and Britons abroad.
In a democracy, these rights must include the opportunity to participate in elections and be represented in local and parliamentary elections.
If you agree, please consider joining us as a Friend of New Europeans.
We will send you news articles and invitations to events, and information about what European identity is and how it is changing.
And you will join a community of people working to overcome division and celebrate what we can all agree on is positive about Europe.
You will also make new, and sometimes surprising, good friends!
The campaign is part of our 2024 Appeal to celebrate our 10th anniversary.