New Europeans is 10 years old today!
On 18 June 2013, we launched New Europeans in London

At a reception at the House of Commons hosted by a cross-party group of MPs, New Europeans was launched on 18 June 2013, ten years ago today.
We set up New Europeans because we knew then that a referendum could have devastating consequences for EU citizens in the UK and Britons abroad.
For the last ten years we have been standing up for EU citizens in the UK and Britons abroad and we continue to do so today.
Here are ten things we have done to help EU citizens and Britons abroad over the last 10 years:
1) Led the campaign for EU citizens and Britons abroad to be enfranchised prior to the Brexit vote. We continue to campaign for this today.
2) Helped secure a degree of consensus across the Brexit divide that EU citizens' rights should be guaranteed despite the UK's decision to leave.
3) Campaigned successfully for EU citizens rights to be secured unilaterally and helped with the design and roll out of the EU Settled Status Scheme.
4) Led and continue to lead the campaign for Britons in EU to have their free movement rights protected through the introduction of a Green Card scheme.
5) Sparked the campaign for a confirmatory referendum, namely campaign for a vote on Withdrawal Treaty once it had been passed by House of Commons.
6) Exposed vote denied scandal which left over one million EU citizens and Britons in EU unable to vote in 2014 and 2019 European Parliament elections.
7) Held vigil outside Europe House in London on 31 January 2020 as Britain left the EU with the message "Don't Let Citizens Pay Price of Brexit".
8) Organised 12 hour online vigil on 31 December 2020 to mark moment free movement rights were lost between the EU and the UK.
9) Set up a charity in the UK and All-Party Parliamentary Group to support EU citizens in the UK and Britons abroad post Brexit.
10) Established New Europeans International in Brussels to campaign for a Europe of the Citizens, a Europe of solidarity anchored in human rights.
We are planning a celebratory event later this year in London (in October) to thank our members and friends for all your support. Please watch this space!
If you would like to make a one off donation to mark our 10th anniversary and support our work in the UK, please click here | Tenth Anniversary Appeal (Si apre in una nuova finestra)
To join New Europeans International as a member and attend our AGM which takes place on Wednesday, 21 June, please use this link | Join here (Si apre in una nuova finestra)
(If you are already a member of New Europeans UK and would like to add membership of New Europeans International click here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).)
If you are unwaged and would like to join New Europeans International as a member, click here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).