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Piano 1 di 3: Explorer
5 € mensile

Additional benefits:
- Receive latest Moonshot Pirates updates
- Access to exclusive patron community
- Our eternal gratitude

Piano 2 di 3: Navigator
18 € mensile

Additional benefits:
- Exclusive seat in quarterly founders' calls
- Moonshot Pirates package including epic stickers, our 'I'm A Moonshot Pirate!' bag and a notebook for your moonshot ideas
- Receive latest Moonshot Pirates updates
- Access to exclusive patron community
- Our eternal gratitude

Piano 3 di 3: Captain
30 € mensile

Additional benefits:
- Limited edition Moonshot Pirates t-shirt
- Exclusive seat in quarterly founders' calls
- Moonshot Pirates package including epic stickers, our 'I'm A Moonshot Pirate!' bag and a notebook for your moonshot ideas
- Receive latest Moonshot Pirates updates
- Access to exclusive patron community
- Our eternal gratitude

Piano 1 di 3: Explorer
5 € mensile

Additional benefits:
- Receive latest Moonshot Pirates updates
- Access to exclusive patron community
- Our eternal gratitude

Piano 2 di 3: Navigator
18 € mensile

Additional benefits:
- Exclusive seat in quarterly founders' calls
- Moonshot Pirates package including epic stickers, our 'I'm A Moonshot Pirate!' bag and a notebook for your moonshot ideas
- Receive latest Moonshot Pirates updates
- Access to exclusive patron community
- Our eternal gratitude

Piano 3 di 3: Captain
30 € mensile

Additional benefits:
- Limited edition Moonshot Pirates t-shirt
- Exclusive seat in quarterly founders' calls
- Moonshot Pirates package including epic stickers, our 'I'm A Moonshot Pirate!' bag and a notebook for your moonshot ideas
- Receive latest Moonshot Pirates updates
- Access to exclusive patron community
- Our eternal gratitude