Gli abbonamenti in regalo si attivano immediatamente. Subito dopo l’acquisto, il destinatario riceverà un’e-mail di notifica del regalo con tutte le informazioni su come accedere ai contenuti.
Regala un abbonamento
Regalando un abbonamento sostieni i media indipendenti.
Scegli il tipo di accesso che desideri regalare.
🎁 Scegli il tuo regalo
Tea and Cake 🧁
Piano 1 di 1: Tea and Cake 🧁
fatturati una volta sola
£78 fatturati una volta sola
Carrot? Lemon Madeira? We’re not ones to judge. You’ll get all the benefits of a Hot Chocolate membership, plus the following:
• Access to our Discord common room, where you can connect with other like-minded journalists, see opportunities in real-time, and asked questions
• Weekly virtual co-working sessions, led by a member of our team to get stuff done together.
• Powerful playlists curated every month to help you focus and recharge
• An annual copy of our printed Yearbook, with 100 pages of exercises and inspiration
• A monthly recommendations round-up, focused on your career.
20 di 100 raggiunto
Tea and Cake 🧁
Piano 1 di 1: Tea and Cake 🧁
fatturati una volta sola
£78 fatturati una volta sola
Carrot? Lemon Madeira? We’re not ones to judge. You’ll get all the benefits of a Hot Chocolate membership, plus the following:
• Access to our Discord common room, where you can connect with other like-minded journalists, see opportunities in real-time, and asked questions
• Weekly virtual co-working sessions, led by a member of our team to get stuff done together.
• Powerful playlists curated every month to help you focus and recharge
• An annual copy of our printed Yearbook, with 100 pages of exercises and inspiration
• A monthly recommendations round-up, focused on your career.
20 di 100 raggiunto
Tea and Cake 🧁
Piano 1 di 1: Tea and Cake 🧁
fatturati una volta sola
£7 fatturati una volta sola
Carrot? Lemon Madeira? We’re not ones to judge. You’ll get all the benefits of a Hot Chocolate membership, plus the following:
• Access to our Discord common room, where you can connect with other like-minded journalists, see opportunities in real-time, and asked questions
• Weekly virtual co-working sessions, led by a member of our team to get stuff done together.
• Powerful playlists curated every month to help you focus and recharge
• An annual copy of our printed Yearbook, with 100 pages of exercises and inspiration
• A monthly recommendations round-up, focused on your career.
20 di 100 raggiunto
Tea and Cake 🧁
Piano 1 di 1: Tea and Cake 🧁
fatturati una volta sola
£7 fatturati una volta sola
Carrot? Lemon Madeira? We’re not ones to judge. You’ll get all the benefits of a Hot Chocolate membership, plus the following:
• Access to our Discord common room, where you can connect with other like-minded journalists, see opportunities in real-time, and asked questions
• Weekly virtual co-working sessions, led by a member of our team to get stuff done together.
• Powerful playlists curated every month to help you focus and recharge
• An annual copy of our printed Yearbook, with 100 pages of exercises and inspiration
• A monthly recommendations round-up, focused on your career.
20 di 100 raggiunto
Domande frequenti
Via e-mail. Al momento dell’acquisto, ti sarà chiesto di fornire l’indirizzo e-mail del destinatario. Non appena l’acquisto sarà completato, il destinatario riceverà un'e-mail con tutti i dettagli (escluso il prezzo, ovviamente). Se l'abbonamento che hai selezionato prevede la consegna di beni fisici per posta, ti sarà richiesto di fornire l’indirizzo di consegna del destinatario.
Gli abbonamenti in regalo non si rinnovano automaticamente. Se hai intenzione di ripetere il regalo, imposta un promemoria nel tuo calendario. Tutti i pagamenti per gli abbonamenti in regalo sono pagamenti una tantum.
Non sei qui per un regalo? Prova la pagina dei piani.