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Great Question

Monday, 8th of January 2024

Introducing you to the power of asking questions one Great Question at a time.

If you had to give the year 2024 a title,

what would it be?

2024 has only just begun. Some of you have made New Year’s resolutions. And some of you have already ditched them. Instead of setting large, unattainable goals, how about choosing a motto for this year and aligning your actions respectively? A motto, theme, or title could help to constantly orient yourself according to it and adjust your steps if you lose sight of that goal.

Questions that could help to find such a suitable “title”:

  • What worked well last year that you want to carry into this year?

  • What didn't work, and what do you want to let go of?

  • How do you want to feel this year?

  • How do you want others to feel in your presence?

  • What are your values, and are you already living them, or are there opportunities to change or expand your value system?

  • What values are attached when making decisions and are they still serving you?

  • Which word or phrase best summarizes all your findings?

My title for 2024 comes in one simple word “Vertrauen” which can be translated into trust, faith and confidence. Trusting others, trusting myself and trusting life in general. For me, 2024 should be all about trusting my gut feeling and paying more attention to my inner voice and most of all: Making confident decisions.

Happy New Year,



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