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Elina's Alchemy Weekly Newsletter (June 19th-25th 2023)

Hello, my beautiful Alchemists!

Elina here - this is the first Elina's Alchemy Newsletter to go out, EVER!

Thank you so much to those of you who decided to follow me here. It is a joy to share this journey with you - and, we got to celebrate!

How? With an exclusive pick a card and some resources to help your through the new week!

KEEP IN MIND: June 18th/19th we have a New Moon in Gemini! Perfect time to set intentions for new seeds to sprout in the months to come! All the way down, you will find a channeled prayer from my book, ''The Alchemy Of Angelic Invocation'', available on Amazon (EU & USA) :)

Your Week's Overarching Energies:

Pick a card and then scroll further below to reveal your messages!

"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper." – W.B. Yeats

Card 1 - Overarching Energy For This Week:

Healing Chaos

It may have felt like you have been in the eye of the storm, with a lot of shift and growth and the growls of change sounding strong like thunder, but this is all to end. There is a strong message of here to not confuse the chaos you see around you as being your own life. Let other people's drama be theirs. Don't let the dark skies scare you, it is only passing. The world around you may feel a bit turbulent but it is when you realize there are beautiful things even during testing times to be discovered. Check out those butterflies amidst the chaos. Looking back, some people will say ''those were really dark times''. Other will say ''oh there was quite a lot of beauty, as well!''. What do you seek? Chaos or beauty? Seek the beauty actively and let that become the energy that defines these transformational times. For some of you, Spirit acknowledges a certain sense of hardship and commends you for your positive focus amidst challenges. You have aligned yourself with better by keeping your head up. There is a message here about someone making a dream-board (or its an invitation to make one!), along with journaling/scripting new uplifting manifestations. Tune into the signature of upliftment any way you can - this is key currently as a lot is shifting for you and there is a message here about something trying to come in (something big, that you have been thinking about for a while). Divine transformation is the keyword here. If life has gotten stagnant it is time for a nice little creative chaos! Do the unexpected. Mix life up. If life seems chaotic know that there is healing happening underneath it all. You are being healed on all levels. Something needs to be shaken up here, to shift gears towards a more well-tweaked way of doing things. Follow with adventure and happiness your nudges. Just because the world around ''has problems'', doesn't mean you cannot still have fun, go for things, come up with grand visions, embrak on new ventures with confidence. You are doing your own thing as the whole world is being rearranged. Yes, you will hear the loud BOOMS and growls but it has nothing to do with you. Look for alternatives if one path doesn't work for now. It may come around later but for now don't despair and just make a different choice. It doesn't have to be your forever home/job/thing. You will be alright, Spirit assures!

Work with: Essential Oils (lavender, bergamot, cypress, rose), ALPHA Brainwaves, Positive Affirmations (affirm success, protection, peace, ease and comfort on all levels), Archangel Michael & Jophiel, clearing your energy with white sage, use incense such as palo santo, copal, myrrh.

Card 2 - Overarching Energy For This Week:


Be honest with yourself and speak from the heart. Journaling or therapy helping you uncover what your own truth is at all. Protecting your truth by not sharing it with those who cannot value it (audience selection). There is here an energy of disappointment, somewhat loneliness or like ''they don't get me''. ''Self-expression takes time'' is what I just heard Spirit say, implying that you cannot just expect yourself to fully, authentically be yourself if you have spent your whole life so far being conditioned to be what everyone else wants you to be and never having times to uncover who YOU truly are. Spending time alone in nature or at home is recommended and putting away distractions (phone, social media) so as to allow your own inspirations to come forth. Take a weekend off where you just lounge around in comfy clothes at home/in nature, sit with yourself. Sometimes it takes sincere silence to find your own inner voice of truth but once you find it, it is time to let go of anything in your life that isn't authentic. For those who try to find authenticity but feel blocked, ask whether you are not yet ready to let go of the things that would have to be shed if profound authenticity was suddently the new order for you. Don't rush and don't hold it against you if you are not ready yet to say goodbye to some things/people. Divine Timing is always at work and so it will be in your case, as well. You are always where (and when) you need to be for all the things your Soul chose to embrak on mastering. You are such a loving/lovable Being and Spirit is giving me a sense of deep compassion towards you. You have Beings seriously rooting for you on the other side. Start considering/setting intention for replacements to enter your life for when you shall feel ready to release relationships/situations where you can't be your self/can't be real. ''The transformation has to happen slowly so as to not shock you/your Soul'', says Spirit, ''but trust it is underway''. You are SO precious! See yourself as such! Don't blame yourself (there's here an energy of ''I could be doing better/been further along'') - it's all still moving in the right direction, so just keep going. Taking breaks is perfectly in order. We love you so so - SO very much!

Work with: Self-love meditations, Essential Oils (lavender & rose), Incense (copal, myrrh), salt baths (or anything relaxing, soothing type of self-care), Archangel Gabriel & Chamuel, Lisa Romano's 21-Day Inner Child Journaling Challenge (this is not an ad/sponsorship, I have currently just finished this challenge and feel like a new person, haha): (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

Card 3 - Overarching Energy For This Week:


Your abundance is linked into your ability to receive. Check that your body is not clenched/tight, remember to relax your jaw and breathe the tension out from anywhere in your body. Affirming ''all is well in my world, I am divinely guided and protected at all times'' can help significantly with teaching your body to feel more trust. The message here is a lot tied into pressure that we need to ditch so we get into receiving mode. Your whole body shows you the quality of consciousness you are tuned into currently. Don't go ''oh no, I am so stressed'' - consciousness is something you can snap your fingers and be on another level. Bring to mind an energy you wish to constantly embody (an uplifting one). Now the mission is to get mindful and everytime you feel fears, tension, anxiety coming up, gather up that heavy energy in a bubble over your head and say calmly to the Divine: ''no, this is not me. this is the collective energy currently. I allow this energy to be grounded into the Mother Earth with love and away from me. Thank you'' A message that is coming through here is to do with the fact that most of the things you think you are stressed about are not even yours - other people around worry about those things, not you. But that interferes with your ability to focus on trust, to feel trust. You can trust. You can trust that your path is right, you can trust that you are protected and guided, you can trust that solutions will show up. Meditate, ask for and trust the nudges from the Universe. Follow through/act upon the guidance you receive. You inner guidance is spot on. Move ahead and trust. Take actions to help you relax and help you feel more trust also in your day to day (tidying up a messy bedroom so you have a peaceful environment to sleep in/organize your office so it is not an anxiety-inducing mess etc). You are currently called to master ''getting your act together'' in the sense of you learning to self-care, take care of your environment and energy (mental health), hygiene even etc. Even if for some of you this period in your life feels a bit like nothing is happening, you are being fertilized for a splendid future. Have faith and know that there is a higher purpose here, you are being crafted ready for! Strong Spirit Guide energy around you, helping you with day-to-day & Angels awaiting that you give them little ''chores'' to do for you (ask for solutions for things that stress you).

Work with: Archangel Michael, Rafael, Uriel. Prayer and positive affirmation/invocation as well as asking for solutions from Spirit -be specific, with what you need help with- (check the prayer I am including below, taken from my book ''The Alchemy of Angelic Invocation''. Affirming your power. Ralph McIntyre's Candle Clearing technique: (Si apre in una nuova finestra) (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

This New Moon in Gemini...

speak life over yourself with this invocation:


Angel Numbers: 11:33, 7, 5151, 5252, 6868 (write them on a piece of paper or carve them on a white candle)

Essential Oil: Ylang Ylang (use on your hands or at the back of your neck - the Alta Major chakra)

Incense: Palo Santo or Frankincense

Crystals: Black Tourmaline, Green Calcite, Amethyst, Blue Kyanite, Selenite, Clear Quartz (write an intention on a piece of paper and place it under the crystal - leave there overnight through the new moon in Gemini)

Creator of All Being, my own personal team of Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, beloved Archangels of the highest Light, Love, Integrity and Compassion in the Universe, Ascended Masters and Teachers, I call you all near me now to surround me with love and peace. Hear my petition as I give you my permission for divine intervention in my life in the highest Good of All.

I understand that sometimes the discrepancy between where I am on the 3rd dimensional level and where my Spirit wishes to guide me or where my desires are, can feel like frustration, depression, anger, anxiety, confusion, resentment. I allow myself to relax right now, right where I am at the moment safe in the knowledge that the message has been received by me in regards to ''WHERE TO NEXT?'' on my path.

I allow myself to relax in where I am at right now as this is one more station in my journey, one place of the many places I have had to be in and am yet to be as part of my greater purpose. I allow my mind to be cleansed and purified, cleared and reset of all notions that do not support me, relaxing right here and right now where and how I am. I choose to allow myself to be open to seeing the higher perspective of why I am here and why I had to be where I have been in the past. I allow these revelations to come in for me and be healing, soothing, strengthening my belief and sense that all is well.

I call upon my Angels and Archangels of the Highest Light, integrity, compassion, kindness, wisdom, abundance, wellbeing and prosperity to step in right now and help me close the gap between where I am currently and where I wish to be, in the ways that are most in alignment with my Highest Good, Path and Purpose and in alignment with the Highest Good of all, always.

Help me see all the right and appropriate ways for me to create or receive in perfect Divine Order the circumstances I wish to see me in.

I open myself to the greatest blessings this life has to offer for me and my loved ones. I call forth enjoyment of my path and establishment of the things, physical, material and beyond that I wish to receive for my progress, betterment, happiness and joy.

I call upon the Holy Archangels Michael, Ariel, Raziel, Uriel, Gabriel and Rafael to come close to me now and assist me in aligning my energy to the energy of the following intentions. Specifically (add your requests).

I ask that I be able to magnetize the opportunities, people, places, resources, situations and circumstances that will help me receive my intentions as manifested blessings in my physical, third-dimensional, human experience. In the highest Good of All I entrust this intention of mine into your Hands, Divine Intelligence, to be carried out in joy and in the Highest Good of All. It is done. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

On a last note...

I want to share with you a short energy update I posted yesterday on my YouTube channel and I wanted you to see this before the new week begins. WHY?

Because we are welcoming a New Moon in Gemini this Sunday (or Monday depending on where you are in the world) and Pluto has gone Retrograde in the last degrees of Capricorn. I wanted you to be prepared for all the wonderful new visions we are being empowered to create! (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

All my Love,

Your Elina