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par Zoe

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Double eyelid surgery is the most popular form of cosmetic plastic surgery performed in Asian countries. It makes the eyes look less droopy and tired. There are two kinds of double eyelid surgery, which are Western Style and Asian Style Double Eyelid Surgery. They both have their own characteristics and techniques. While non-incisional double eyelid surgery is less invasive than incisional double eyelid surgery, it is technically more difficult to perform, so the surgeon must be highly skilled. However, if performed correctly, you will achieve natural looking and beautiful results with non-incisional double eyelid surgery. If you had double eyelid surgery, how long before you can go back to your life as normal? Well, it depends. The recovery time for double eyelid surgery — like most cosmetic procedures — varies from person to person and procedure to procedure. In fact, your surgeon may have told you that "each patient heals differently" and told you not to rely on any sort of timeline or plan. 

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