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A warm (and belated) welcome to May

Hello, you lovely people!

Yes, May is already on its waning days but I do have reasons - good reasons, even better! - for not having written to you sooner.

Let me just show you what I will be writing for you soon (and I am already writing on, to be more precise):

  1. my visit to Ljubljana and Na Meji Nevidnega (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), Slovenia's largest fantasy and science fiction convention, as a guest of honour

  2. my visit to the Tolkien Lecture (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) of Pembroke College, this year with the amazing Maria Dahvana Headley of The Mere Wife and the new Beowulf translation

  3. obviously my whirlwind visit to Oxford, letting you know about the re-opened Lamb & Flag (photos!), the fate of The Mitre as a watering hole, and the Eagle & Child nightmare.

  4. my visit to MetropolCon (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), the first of its kind and hopefully a contender for a EuroCon in Germany (again) - I was involved in its earliest beginnings so I am very excited about this

  5. my preparations for the Tolkien Days (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), the largest volunteer-run Tolkien-centered event in the world, where I'll give a talk on Rings of Power and will be co-host to many of the German-speaking podcasts (yes, my own podcast SmallTolk (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) will have about 100 episodes under its belt by then)

  6. behind-the-scenes information on LotR:Gollum (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) being released on May 25th, 2023.

And as usual there will be many more things happening behind the curtains, moving all Patreon posts here, writing about ongoing projects and the fact that John Garth has made it as the Tolkien poster boy - how does he do it? (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Anyway, this is it for now. I have to do some proofreading on an academic publication, get me another coffee - and write and record for you!

As always - drop me a line, write me an email if you have any questions or suggestions! / Marcel

P.S. Don't be too surprised - there is more below this line for the people happy to join me in my Steady Adventure. Why not try it out as well?

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