Your Exclusive Playlists for August 2024

As summer comes to a close we’re here to give warm solace in the form of massive playlists of all the music we’ve been writing about on the site over the past month.Across almost more than four hours of music, you’ll find some transcendent experimental folksong from Frankie Archer and Shovel Dance Collective, raw power from The Bug and Smote, new material from Laura Cannell, Tristwch Y Fenywod, Hamish Hawk, and Melt-Banana the best of the world’s experimental fringes, two cuts from our guide to the Portuguese underground plus the picks of our metal, New Weird Britain, electronic and Rum Music columns and more. A quick reminder in case you missed them that the Low Culture Podcast for August was Luke and John discussing The Fall’s Perverted By Language (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), the Organic Intelligence newsletter was on Tokyo’s noisily diverse underground (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre), and the Low Culture Essay saw Jim Gibson explore rural poverty via the film Better Things (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre). It’s also our sixteenth birthday this week, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US, and to mark that the Subscriber Plus release for August was an album by none other than Nurse With Wound! More on that here (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre). Thanks for all your support, please do spread the word as we were very keen to get to 2000 subscribers by our birthday and are just a waaaafer thin slice of cheese away from that now. Your playlists can be found below, we’ll be back with September’s exclusive editorial in the coming days and weeks.
To access the playlists, you'll need to be a Subscriber or Subscriber Plus member of tQ.
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