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Songwriting Magazine | Summer 2017 | Issue 11

Shaun Ryder, Alison Moyet, Thomas Rhett, Shed Seven's Rick Witter, Hue & Cry, Maxïmo Park, plus more interviews, tips, gear, news and reviews...

Shaun Ryder, Alison Moyet, Thomas Rhett, Shed Seven's Rick Witter, Hue & Cry, Maxïmo Park, plus more interviews, tips, gear, news and reviews...

Songwriting is a magazine aimed at songwriters and at fans of song-led music – of all genres. Within these pages, you’ll find music news, artist interviews, advice on songwriting techniques, album reviews, our verdict on the latest gear and more.


Shaun Ryder
Alison Moyet
Thomas Rhett
Shed Seven's Rick Witter

How I Wrote 'Labour Of Love' by Hue & Cry
How I Wrote by 'Graffiti' by Maxïmo Park

The Albums That Changed Everything
Sodajerker On Songwriting
Introducing... McGoozer, Dusky Grey and Alex Maxwell

Technique: The Importance Of Being You
Technique: Painting Pictures
Technique: Song Design

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