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Welcome to the new TarotScope for Cancer Season.

June/July is a time of intense emotions and sensitivity. Cancer season fosters family bonds and the need for security and comfort. We tend to take more care of our home and loved ones, and nostalgic feelings and memories can be experienced more intensely. Intuition and inner reflection play a major role, leading to a deeper understanding of one's own feelings. Overall, Cancer season is characterized by caring, empathy, and a desire for emotional connection.

What to expect:

  • the influence of the current season on the signs

  • the message the Tarot cards have for the 12 zodiac signs and for our community

  • themes and blockages to be addressed

  • journal prompts and affirmations/mantras

The TarotScope is especially suited for you if you regularly reflect and if journaling is one of your favorite activities or will soon become one. :)

A TarotScope can be like cosmic self-therapy and should not stress you out but rather bring you closer to yourself and ideally reveal your potentials and blockages. It should give you mindfulness and strengthen you.
I put a lot of love and time into the TarotScope every month to give you a good guide or to entertain you a bit. My TarotScopes are designed in such a way that you find new themes every season. Themes that can help you with processing, working through, or healing.

How to optimally use a TarotScope:

Check your birth chart, for example, on (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre).

You will need your exact birth time, date, and place. You will then receive a free radix showing where your Big 3 are:

  • Sun ☉ - self-expression & authenticity

  • Moon ☽ - emotional, inner world & subconscious

  • Ascendant: AC - appearance (how the world perceives you) & behavior towards the outside

FREE HOROSCOPE ↓ (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Take a closer look at your Moon this time. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Therefore, things will get a bit more intense in the coming weeks.

If a sign has multiple planets that are very close to each other, you can also look at the TarotScope for that sign. If you have any questions or want to exchange ideas, feel free to write in the community.

Well then, let's get started. :)


Die erste Botschaft widme ich unserem Cosmic Chaos Club:

Club Energy and Mantra for the cancer season 22.6. - 22.7. :


“In compassion lies the world’s true strength.” Gautama Buddha

“It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.” J.R.R. Tolkien

“You feel your strength in the experience of pain.” Jim Morrison

Strength symbolizes inner power and courage, resilience and compassion. It reminds us of what constitutes our true strength. It is all the hurdles, all the pain and suffering one has endured. It is the courage that keeps us going every day because our inner strength simultaneously provides us with hope. This card allows us to be gentle with ourselves and others. When we are able to perceive pain more intensely, we can also perceive love and hope more strongly. This community provides a space to empower each other when we show our most vulnerable side. In this spirit: Thank you for being here. <3

When Strength speaks to us as a community, it brings the following messages:

  1. It is not the successes that make us strong, but the journey to success, especially when it is accompanied by setbacks. For setbacks teach us much more than any hoped-for success.

  2. Strength lies in nurturing scars, feeling their sensitivity, and viewing vulnerability as strength. Every scar makes us more resilient. But it is up to us how we treat them—do we see them as signs of weakness and ignore them, or do we value them and allow them to change us?

And now, have fun...




During Cancer season, the brave and dynamic Aries experiences a deeper emotional connection and care. This time brings a gentle energy that helps Aries deepen and strengthen their relationships. It is a phase where Aries can learn to balance their impulsiveness with compassion and sensitivity. Aries Suns, Moons, and Ascendants, perk up your ears, sharpen your eyes, here is your TarotScope for Cancer season.

Ups and Downs in Cancer Season:

⇡ Helps discover the emotional side.
⇡ Strengthens bonds with family and friends.

⇣ A certain lack of assertiveness.
⇣ Feeling restricted in self-expression.

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