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June News (Week 24)

Beloved Creature. Big thanks to you… I made it. Last week I received the approval for my self-employment support and this means, I can finally start growing this community. Because of you, I know my work is important und needed. Because of you, I feel how collective healing feels. And this gives me strength and motivation and hope every damn day. <3

Much needed in these times, with all the things happening around us every day. This week I dedicate to the topic Anger and Renewal. Let’s work together on the changes we are looking for.

I´m happy to share the new weekly insights and more with you. I’m always trying to give you a bunch of interesting facts and wisdom. You wanna exchange with like-minded? Become a Cosmic Chaos Member and join our Telegram Community, receive the monthly TarotScope (only Reflection Membership), or support my work as silent supporter. You will receive the newsletter, free events and a permanent discount code. I’m also offering a TarotAbo from July - your monthly Taropy. Looking forward to this new experience.

Weekly newsletter - what you will find:

Moon Movement - which signs and what do we need to know about it

Events - what’s going on in Berlin

Mental Health - Skills, support and facts

Witchy Wisdom - learn about many different topics like herbs, crystals, tarot, months, moons, spells, rituals and much more

Cosmic News - I provide every week a little insight of cosmic energies. What are the planets telling us?

Wishing you all a gentle week and good moods. Enjoy the weekly news <3

Moon Movement

The next Moon Circle will be Friday June 21st at the Movement Social Club Studio in Prenzlauer Berg.

We discover the moon energies, meditate, journal, relax and sharing a sacred ritual together. Closing is a sharing circle with theme related tea and vegan snacks. And of course a special gift is waiting from you.

Topic: Sagittarius-Capricorn Full Moon (plus summer solstice ritual).
Time: 8 -10 pm
max. 10 spots
Costs: 35 € (Discount for Cosmic Chaos Members and Grrl Gang Berlin Members - if you don’t have the discount code yet, please contact me)

Join the Full Moon Circle here:


Find the moon placements during this week.

Monday - Tuesday: Leo
Waxing Moon in Leo is a good time to do activities with friends. Its also a good time for sport and travels. During this moon phase we are invited to invest in long term projects as Leo is a fix, loyal and successful sign. The mood can be very enthusiastic, glamorous or dramatic, impulsive and sexual.

Good for:
During a waxing Leo moon, its good to take care of your heart and circular system. Be careful with too many activities at the same time or too much energy or heavy emotions, which can lead to racing heart beat, feeling dizzy or back pain. Good time for wellness, long baths and fun activities.

Wednesday - Friday: Virgo
Waxing Moon in Virgo brings good times for planning and structuring. At this time we are more sensitive with “surprises” and might feeling stressed when things are not under control. During this waxing moon we can embrace our flexibility and our sense for details.

Good for:
The waxing moon in Virgo supports our reflection and analysis. Its a good time for cleaning and bringing order in our home and mind. Recharge during long nature walks or some hand crafting. Helping someone out is also very good for the heart during the virgo moon phase.

Friday - Sunday: Libra
The waxing moon in Libra enhances harmony and the sense for the beautiful things in life. Meeting friends and visiting beautiful places are helping to balance the different life’s we are living. If you feel like, something needs to be discussed this is a good time to express yourself and your needs in a diplomatic way and finding compromises.

Good for:
This time invites you to bring balance in your life. You can start your day with a vitalizing bath or shower and journal about your inner needs to feel balanced. Treat yourself with something nice. And remind yourself gentle, that it is not your job to make everyone satisfied. Especially not, if you are not satisfied or respecting your own boundaries. Stay hydrated. As libra activates your bladder and kidneys, its good to drink a lot and eat healthy meals. Also supporting your body with detox and bringing back balance.


This week you will find me, the schedule of the movement social club and other cool events here:

Tuesday 11th: Energizing Yoga Flow with Linh 8 - 9 am

Mat Pilates with Gustavo 6 - 7 pm

Co-working at zum starken August from 10 am - 4 pm

Wednesday 12th: Power Yoga with Linh 8 -9 am

Vinyasa Flow with Barbara 6:30 - 7:30 pm

Skai at Kismet 2 -6 pm (spiritual consultations)

Tarot Night at zum starken August: Start 8:30 pm

Thursday 13th: Rise and Shine Yoga Flow with Linh 8-9 am

Release & Relax with Skai Addams 7-8pm

Friday 14th:Power Yoga with Karli 8 - 9 am

Skai Addams at Kismet 3 - 7 pm

Saturday 15th: Yoga & Dance with Barbara from 12 pm

Skai Addams at Kismet 12-7 pm

For Bookings with Movement Social Club - check out Momoyoga for Movement Social Club.

For Bookings with me, please use calendly or the Momoyoga Cosmic Chaos Club:

I have some free spots left in June. Book your Tarot Reading.



Topic of the Week: Anger

Anger is an intense emotion.

It is hardly surprising that this unpredictable emotion has a bad reputation in our society: Anyone who shows their anger is quickly seen as uncouth and primitive. Even in earlier times, thinkers called for moderation and reason; they wanted to curb all impulsiveness in people. The Roman philosopher Seneca, for example, even dedicated an entire book to anger, “De Ira” (“On Anger”).
Even later philosophers saw anger as a weakness of character. The Englishman Francis Bacon described it in the 17th century as a typical emotion of the weak - namely children, women, the elderly and the sick. Also many religions frown upon anger: in Buddhism, for example, it is seen as an obstacle on the path to enlightenment. Muslims believe that it comes from Satan. And in Christianity, it has been one of the seven deadly sins since the early Middle Ages.

But! Psychologists and psychiatrists, for example, are increasingly emphasizing how valuable anger can be - for example, by communicating clear boundaries to others, setting warning signals, releasing inner tension, giving us precise insights into our weak points and encouraging us to change. And they emphasize how important it is to give your anger space, to give it expression.

Biologically, anger is a sensible impulse!

Anger sets off a whole cascade of physiological reactions: stress hormones such as cortisol, noradrenaline and adrenaline circulate more strongly through the body, causing blood sugar levels and blood pressure to rise, among other things. The heart, lungs, brain and muscles are supplied with additional blood. Our pulse rate skyrockets and we are suddenly wide awake and full of energy. Ready to react to an annoyance, stress or danger - ultimately to fight or flee or freeze. But as much as anger may put us in an aggressive mood, anthropologists recognize an astonishing evolutionary mechanism that once ensured that violence among our ancestors did not constantly escalate.

What helps to deal with anger?

  • Mindfulness and Deep Breathing: Practicing mindfulness and deep breathing can help calm your mind and body, making it easier to manage intense emotions. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly.

  • Physical Exercise: Engaging in physical activity can be an effective way to release pent-up energy and reduce stress. Activities like running, swimming, or even a brisk walk can help alleviate anger.

  • Cognitive Restructuring: This involves changing the way you think about the situation that’s causing your anger. Challenge negative thoughts and try to see the situation from a different perspective.

  • Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or listening to calming music can help soothe your mind and body, reducing the intensity of your anger.

  • Communication Skills: Expressing your feelings in a non-confrontational way can help resolve conflicts. Use "I" statements to communicate how you feel and what you need without blaming or criticizing others.

Witchy Wisdom


After we went trough all the weekdays, we will dive no into the months and their meanings. And of course I give you hot insights about herbs, crystals, colors, spells and more.

If you have a topic you would love to discover - let me know.

February's name derives from the Latin word "Februa," which refers to an ancient Roman festival of purification and atonement held on the 15th of the month. The festival involved various rites and rituals to cleanse the community and prepare for the coming spring. February was the last month of the Roman calendar before the calendar was reformed. It originally had 30 days, but when January was added to the beginning of the year, February was reduced to 28 or 29 days to maintain the calendar's balance.

Pagan Traditions:
For many pagan cultures, February marks the celebration of Imbolc, a festival that falls on February 1st or 2nd, midway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Imbolc is associated with the goddess Brigid and signifies the beginning of spring, focusing on light, purification, and fertility.

Associated Plants and Herbs:
Several plants and herbs are linked to February and its themes of purification and new beginnings. Snowdrops, one of the first flowers to bloom in late winter, symbolize hope and the coming of spring. Other herbs associated with February include bay leaves, known for their purifying properties, and violets, which represent love and remembrance.

Zodiac Aquarius & Pisces. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus (earlier by Saturn) and Pisces is ruled by Neptune (earlier Jupiter).

So this month gives us the change from Winter to early spring and so the hope for new life is rising again.

Moon: Snow Moon / Hunger Moon
The Snow Moon is named for the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. It reflects the winter weather and the challenges of travel during this time.

Tea & Smudging Time
Enjoy a purifying tea and cleanse your home, yourself and your tools with the following herbs.

Chamomile: Known for its calming properties, chamomile tea can help soothe stress and promote relaxation, making it ideal for the winter months.

  • Peppermint: This invigorating herb promotes digestion and can help to relieve constipation.

  • Elderberry: Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, elderberry tea can boost the immune system and help fight off winter illnesses.

  • Ginger: Warming and spicy, ginger tea is excellent for improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and aiding digestion.

  • Lemon Balm: A member of the mint family, lemon balm has calming effects and can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep, which is particularly beneficial during the darker, colder days of February.

  • Rose hip: High in vitamin C, rose hip can support the immune system and provide a boost of antioxidants, which are especially beneficial during winter.

  • Nettle: Nettle is packed with nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, and is known for its detoxifying properties.

Archetype: the Warrior

Magical Supporter:
Amethyst: Often used for mental clarity, relaxation and spiritual growth. Amethyst can help to clear and balance your mind.
Purple fluorite: Associated with intuition, creativity and emotional stability.


Light Candles: Imbolc is often associated with light and the return of the sun. Lighting candles throughout your home can symbolize the increasing daylight and the warmth of the coming spring. You can also perform a candlelight meditation to focus on your intentions for the new season.

Spring Cleaning: Cleaning your living space brings order to mind and life. This act of purification aligns with the traditional practices of Imbolc and helps clear out the old to make way for the new. It’s a way to refresh your environment and your mind.

Create a Brigid’s Cross: Crafting a Brigid’s Cross from reeds, straw, or even paper is a common Imbolc tradition. This cross is associated with the goddess Brigid, who is honored during this festival. Hang the cross in your home for protection and blessings throughout the year.

Prepare and Share Seasonal Foods: Cook and enjoy traditional Imbolc foods that celebrate the season. Dairy products, grains, and seeds are particularly fitting, as they symbolize new life and growth. You might make dishes like oatcakes or seeded bread, and share them with family or friends.

Kitchen witch:
In Slavic and German folklore, Kobolds (small creatures) especially household kobolds were thought to cause mischief around the home and farm, but they could also be helpful under some circumstances. Leave some nuts, cookies or cereals on a small plate somewhere in your kitchen. This offering will help to keep them chilled and friendly. If they feel not well treated, they like to hide or break things.

Tarot Ritual:
Mediaset with the cards Justice and Judgement and see how you imagine justice and where you still judge yourself or others. This can help to connect deeper with your values and so understanding where anger might come from.

Cosmic News


What happens this week in the universe and how will it affect us?

Sun - Mercury - Venus Conjunction:
During a conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, the energies align to enhance communication, creativity, and relationships. This is an ideal time to consider your creative expression. How can you better integrate your talents and passions into your daily life? To focus on communication. Reflect on how you can speak your truth with kindness and clarity in both personal and professional relationships. And a good time to think about nurturing your relationships. Consider ways to show appreciation and love to those important to you and what actions you can take to strengthen these bonds. Use this conjunction to harness the combined energies of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus for personal growth and deeper connections.


Do you like it? Let’s talk about it in the community.

Wishing you a gentle, powerful and magical week.

Much love


Sujet News and Wisdom

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