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Welcome to my Steady Page! I have created this page because I want to be able to stay in touch with you.
par Sandra Agetsu

Choisissez votre adhésion

Plan 1 sur 3: Membership 1
2,50 € par mois

You will receive a newsletter each time I have posted a new article of my blog.

Plan 2 sur 3: Membership 2
5 € par mois

You will receive a newsletter each time I have posted a new article of my blog.

Plan 3 sur 3: Plan 3
10 € par mois
Plan 1 sur 3: Membership 1
2,50 € par mois

You will receive a newsletter each time I have posted a new article of my blog.

Plan 2 sur 3: Membership 2
5 € par mois

You will receive a newsletter each time I have posted a new article of my blog.

Plan 3 sur 3: Plan 3
10 € par mois

Objectif actuel

0 % de 100 € par mois atteint


As you might have heard my life has changed ... again! I have left Noorder Poort due to very personal reasons and if we will be able to meet this year I will surely tell you more about it. 

But me leaving Noorder Poort does not mean that my spiritual path has come to an end. No, my guts tell me that this path has only just begun and it is likely that it is never going to end.

My plans for this year are to do a lot of traveling all over Europe, visiting monasteries, ashrams and other spiritual centers in order to proceed on my path and to learn a lot.

Though I hope that we will be meeting this year I am afraid I will not be able to visit each and everyone of you. And due to all the traveling it will not be very easy to stay in touch, so I decided to create this page to make it a bit easier for us to stay connected.

You can sign up for my newsletter and you can send me messages through this platform and also comment my posts if you wish to.

And finally I ask you for your help, what is not an easy thing for me to do.

As I do not have an income now and will be working in the monasteries for board and lodging you can also support me if you wish to. So, if you can afford it and wish to support me than you can choose chose a membership that suits you. It would be of great help if you could do that, but if you can't of don't want to than this is completely fine with me, too!

Thank you for reading my blog!

Let's stay connected!


Sandra Agetsu