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Melissa Barrera is our new Cover Girl!

Hey dolls,

We’ve just unveiled our cover star for this month- our favourite scream queen, Melissa Barrera! It’s Thursday, so we’re coming to the end of another great week of Dollhouse content. We’ve got not one, but two doll-themed pieces on the site featuring Blythe Dolls and ‘Little Ugly’ and insight into Cinema for Gaza’s creative solidarity with Palestine. Let’s dive in!

Melissa Barrera on Ballet Horror Abigail, Her Love for Ireland, and Speaking Out for What You Believe In (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Halima Jibril interviews our favourite scream queen, Melissa Barrera, about being the Final Girl, her latest film, Abigail, and staying true to your beliefs.

Blythe Doll Mania: Collection, Customisation, and Online Community (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Natasha Lopez writes on Blythe Dolls infiltrating the cultural zeitgeist, their history and online communities.

Ctrl + Shift Feminism: Embracing the Ugly with Ann Hirsch and Maya Man (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Editorial Fellow Sihaam Naik’s latest column features an interview with Ann Hirsch and Maya Man on their creative practices and their Frankenstein doll Little Ugly.

Cinema for Gaza and Creative Solidarity Towards a Free Palestine (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Sophie Monks Kaufman writes about Cinema for Gaza, the auction that helped raise money for MAP.

See ya next week!


The Polyester Team <3

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