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Chelsea Wolfe on Witchcraft, Collecting Rubbish and the Bumble Fumble…

Hey dolls,

It’s Thursday, so we’re coming to the end of another great week of Dollhouse content. We’ve got a gorgeous interview and exclusive shoot with musician Chelsea Wolfe, a deep dive into a subreddit all about collecting rubbish, an examination of the issues with dating apps following the Bumble Fumble discourse, and lots more. Let’s dive in!

Chelsea Wolfe on Rebirth, Witchcraft and Embracing the Liminal (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Our Platform Editor Charlotte Landrum interviews and shoots the singular musician.

Barf Bags and Banana Stickers: Collecting Rubbish as a Subversive Act (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Maria Dragoi writes on one of the internet’s most fun – and most strangely poignant – subreddits.

The Bumble Fumble Shows How Dating Apps Misunderstand their Users (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

With research by our Editorial Fellow Sihaam Naik, Copy Editor Lauren O’Neill writes on how Bumble’s marketing flop is more evidence of the dissonance between dating apps and their users.

Culture Slut: Why Gloria Swanson Is the Ultimate Gay Icon, Part 2 (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Culture Editor Misha MN is back with the second part of their extended musing on Gloria Swanson.

Dreamgirl Chapter 5: “I can’t say whose exorcism is greater” (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Emma Forrest is back with the latest instalment in her fiction periodical, Dreamgirl.

‘Sylvia Plath Didn’t Die for This’: The Internet Is Misconstruing History’s Favourite Tortured Poet (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Editorial Fellow Sihaam Naik explores the internet’s current relationship with Sylvia Plath.

Film Fatale: Small Towns, Stephen King and Cinematic Grief (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

And finally, Platform Editor Charlotte Landrum dedicates this month’s Film Fatale column to Stephen King and seasonally inappropriate movies.

See you next week!


The Polyester Team <3

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