Newsletter #43
territorial future thoughts by spatialforesight
Over the last few weeks, we have published three blog posts on the future of territories with a strong cohesion dimension. They focus on issues related to the debate on the future of Cohesion Policy.
27 national plans: include the territorial reality! The Territorial Thinkers team looks at the idea to improve the coherence of EU polices across sectors by focusing on 27 national plans. They conclude by stressing the need for a strong territorial dimension of such policies to ensure cohesion. (Read (Si apre in una nuova finestra))

Reimagining cohesion and EU policies: An integrated approach. A scenario for a better integrated approach of EU policies pushes for similar lines. It explores how different EU and national policies could be coordinated to achieve common goals, in particular to reduce regional disparities. (Read (Si apre in una nuova finestra))

Reimagining cohesion and EU policies: A sectoral approach. Looking in the opposite direction, this scenario explores a sectoral approach to EU policies. It offers a glimpse of a future where EU policies prioritise efficiency and performance and pay little attention to regional and social disparities. (Read (Si apre in una nuova finestra))

In the pipeline
We will continue to feed the blog with reflections on the future, Europe, spaces, places and people. Upcoming blog posts will focus on possible desirable future narratives and cross-border energy communities.