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become a member of "Friends of Liquid Sky, Alientejo / Santana dada Serra"

music / reforestation / (dada + surrealistic) art / experimental film / underground fashion / workshops / electronic music instruments
par Liquid Sky artistcollective
Plan 1 sur 1: Standard-Mitgliedschaft
15 € par mois
180 € facturé annuellement

• each month we buy one more squaremeter for the liquid sky reforestation project with your membership
• each month we plant one native tree for you
• one ecofriendly "liquid sky crew" t-shirt per year
• every month download codes for new (and old) tracks

Plan 1 sur 1: Standard-Mitgliedschaft
15 € par mois
180 € facturé annuellement

• each month we buy one more squaremeter for the liquid sky reforestation project with your membership
• each month we plant one native tree for you
• one ecofriendly "liquid sky crew" t-shirt per year
• every month download codes for new (and old) tracks

Jusqu'à présent, 1 adhérent·e soutient liquid sky artistcollective avec 15 € par mois

Join Our "Friends of Liquid Sky" Community and Make a Difference!

By becoming a member, you’re not just supporting our creative work, you’re fueling innovation, and help actively to grow the Liquid Sky forest - a non profit project to make our planet greener. 

Your membership helps us to buy more land for the reforestation, plant more trees, pay forest workers from this area and grow our shared vision for the future. 

Together, we can build something extraordinary.

77,727 oaks is the first sub-project of our reforestation project. the first chapter of plenty others to follow. Join us today and be part of the journey!