EUSS Alliance to address MPs at House of Commons Join MPs and rights groups to discuss challenges facing vulnerable EU citizens in using digital immigration status to secure their rights under Withdrawal Agreement in UK Join MPs and rights groups to discuss challenges facing vulnerable EU citizens in using digital immigration status to secure their rights under Withdrawal Agreement in UK
Invitation to our Annual General Meeting Monday, 18 November 2024 at 6pm | ONLINE Monday, 18 November 2024 at 6pm | ONLINE
Get out the vote Our Get Out the Vote Campaign to mobilise EU citizens’ vote in local, mayoral and regional elections gains traction following successful launch in London. Our Get Out the Vote Campaign to mobilise EU citizens’ vote in local, mayoral and regional elections gains traction following successful launch in London.
“Our vote is our voice!” New Europeans UK launches campaign to Get Out The Vote #GOTV in English local and Greater London Authority elections and defend right of all EU Citizens to vote in future New Europeans UK launches campaign to Get Out The Vote #GOTV in English local and Greater London Authority elections and defend right of all EU Citizens to vote in future
I’m a new European! Europe is much wider than the territory of the EU and Europeans come in all shapes and sizes and are not just passport holders of EU member states. Europe is much wider than the territory of the EU and Europeans come in all shapes and sizes and are not just passport holders of EU member states.