We are living in a time when all kind of oppression ends. It might sound fantastic to you. And: this is already real in dream time - the subtle spaces I have access to. If you would like to contribute to the process of its emergence in our daily lives I invite you to join the community of Pearl Divers. Pearl Divers are pioneers who have the courage to walk the path of "the third way" where the individual doesn't compete the collective or the other way around.
When being confronted with an "un-resolvable issue" the Pearl Diver resists short term solutions or reductionist thinking and chooses to remain open. A pearl diver is committed to widen the own inner capacity to feel and receive the situation as it is (which describes the actual act of pearl diving) - until a possibility emerges that is genuinely new, life affirming by its nature and invites for even more possibilities to add to healing and beauty in the world.
We are coming from a culture of scapegoating. In order to find our new home in a culture based on soul integrity we need "the golden key" that was given to us for this time when we would be completely lost as a species - our capability to relational repair. To start practicing a culture of repair will not only help us to end the violations of life we unwillingly participate in as being a member of the human tribe. It might also help us to recover from the woundings we experienced ourself and from the wounds we caused in others and to the life around us.
This is at the heart of my project Integrity For Future. In choosing one of the memberships you support the activities and the infrastructure that is needed to keep the work of the initiative going. Humanity is a trustworthy species. This is why we named the initiatives community A Trustable Tribe. In joining us you gift yourself with the gift of a non-judgemental community that allows you and the fellows on this path to morn the losses, to apologise and to confess, to fail, to prototype and to learn. In this space we are are allowed to learn together - until our genuine contribution to life unfolds in full beauty.
Integrity For Future
- creates spaces where individual and corporate integrity can thrive
- brings consciousness to our basic human right to soul integrity
- supports individuals and communities with trust fostering formats
- offers a vessel for humanity to unite as a whole in ~ hosting the community gatherings of A Trustable Tribe ~ building physical and virtual Temples of Grace & Beauty
Thank you for being a patron for Integrity For Future. Take your seat in the circle of humanity. Welcome to A Trustable Tribe! (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)