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Die Zeit bringt… ‘Neue Saiten’

or ‘new strings’ for the English speakers amongst you. To avoid any possible confusion, this newsletter is not an ad campaign for the ‘Zeit’ newspaper delivering new strings. It is, in fact, about our NEW SINGLE which we are happy to share with you before anybody else! So cover yourself in ice cubes, jump in the swimming pool and enjoy some wholesome ERNST content, just for you 😊

Here’s what is in store for you this month:

  1. It’s new music time!

  2. Waves festival competition

  3. What’s up next

By the way: If you haven't, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter and get it directly into your inbox:

We’re releasing our new single - Neue Saiten!

We decided to take a slightly different direction with ‘Neue Saiten’ compared to our last single, ‘Don’t Buy It’. For a start, we decided to change languages.

What’s that I hear you cry? “You can’t release a song in German, your last song was in English! I won’t understand a word!”

Never fear, dear ERNSTi! Dan has just done his C2 German course so is perfectly placed to tell you what Neue Saiten is all about, and why we decided to record it in German rather than English… (Opens in a new window)

And as a thank you for being a newsletter subscriber, we wanted to share Neue Saiten with you before it is released out into the wild. We would love to hear what you think.

We also want to thank our friend Maria Raser for creating this amazing animation! She is a brilliant designer and illustrator, so we’re very grateful for her support! 🥰 ENJOY! (Opens in a new window)

Here’s the pre-save link (Opens in a new window) - from midnight, you’ll be able to listen to it on all music platforms.

Waves CompetitionTime!

Playing the Waves festival in Vienna was a big goal of ours at the beginning of the year, so we are delighted to be performing at Cafe Carina on Thursday 5 September from 20:45 - 21:30.

Fun fact: we played our first ever gig there in 2022, when people weren’t even allowed to stand up thanks to COVID…

…and this time, we want you there with us, standing up! That is why we are giving away 2 DAY PASSES worth 39 Euros each for the Waves festival to our lucky newsletter listeners!

If you would like to get your hands on these tickets, here is what you need to do:

  1. Hit reply to respond to this newsletter

  2. Let us know your name and your favourite lyric from our new single (they are included in the visualizer 😉)

  3. Press send and cross your fingers!

We will let the lucky winner know on Monday 2nd September, so don’t wait around - you have until Sunday night!

Good luck!

What’s up next?

Normally we would do a recap of our recent gigs, but with so much going on, we’ll save that for a future edition 😉 In the meantime, here is where you can catch us in the next bit of time:

Friday, 29th August: Kanopi x Holy Garbage outdoor opening, 19:30 (acoustic)

Thursday, 5 August: Waves Vienna, Cafe Carina, 20:30

Saturday, 7 August: Vienna Coffee Festival, Marx Halle, ca. 13:45

Friday, 13 August: SHIP Festival in Šibenik, Croatia

A goodbye, but not for long...

Thanks so much for reading and for your interest in us as a band and our music. We really appreciate you took the time and hope you had fun with the extra content!

Lots of love,