New beginnings - the awesome power of a solar eclipse
MONDAY, 8 APRIL | 3.04 PM EDT (Bloomington, Indiana)
In Italiano (Opens in a new window)

Solar eclipses are awesome astrological events. This one is likely to be no different, whether or not you are able to experience it directly.
One person who will experience the eclipse directly is Sherene Goatson Ing (Opens in a new window), director of the First Nations Educational and Cultural Center at Indiana University, Bloomington. The City of Bloomington is ideally situated for optimal viewing in the very centre of the path of totality.
Sherene is also a member of the Navajo nation. According to Navajo tradition, when the moon eclipses the sun, the sun undergoes a rebirth. “It is a sacred time where we sit and reflect,” Sherene explains.
“We neither eat nor drink, nor do any activity during the event; (Opens in a new window) we just sit in reverence. It’s a moment of rebirth, we just try to show respect.”
Lady Mohini Kent Noon writes from Delhi:
“I believe the solar eclipse is an opportunity to make great spiritual strides. Mantra japa (Opens in a new window) during the eclipse energises the mantra exponentially and can confer siddhis (Opens in a new window) on serious practitioners.”
Pollyanna Darling writes from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland,
“I will be putting out the intention for peace and well-being for the people in Palestine, and imagining smiling people, and re-building and trees full of fruit.”
Pollyanna also invites you to experiment with channelling your intentions at the time of the eclipse and share the results | Pollyanna's experiment (Opens in a new window)
The solar eclipse invites us all to take a moment to reflect on the powerful symbolism of this extraordinary event.
We invite you to celebrate with Sherene and with others the rebirth of the sun, a rebirth which may also feel like a moment of personal renewal.
Just as there are so many dark places in our world today, too many of us also experience the shadows that pass momentarily or for longer across the soul.
At this solar eclipse, let us mark the return of the sun’s radiance by coming together to raise the vibration of peace, remembering all who are in physical danger and live in fear and/or who are suffering inner turmoil and distress.
And let us renew our commitment to work together from the heart to catalyse an upshift in human consciousness that can help our world find its way towards a sustainable path of renewal.
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