Powerful personal stories stand out at this year’s Lighthouse suicide prevention conference in Belfast
By VIEWdigital editor Brian Pelan

Two very poignant events stood out for me when I attended the Lighthouse '20 Years of Learning' conference at the Girwood Community Hub in Belfast last week - https://viewdigital.org/powerful-personal-stories-stand-out-at-this-years-lighthouse-suicide-prevention-conference-in-belfast (Opens in a new window)
Comment: Northern Ireland Housing Executive cutting key social security payments that many tenants consider to be a vital lifeline
Comment article from Renters’ Voice – a group of people who rent privately in Northern Ireland. They work to influence landlords, politicians and government. They want to make private renting better for everyone – https://viewdigital.org/comment-northern-ireland-housing-executive-cutting-key-social-security-payments-that-many-tenants-consider-to-be-a-vital-lifeline/ (Opens in a new window)
Review: Prophet Song by Paul Lynch – a chilling story of Ireland’s descent into a fascist regime

Could the Republic of Ireland ever become a fascist state? That is the question which irrevocably flows from the new dystopian novel Prophet Song by Irish writer Paul Lynch – https://viewdigital.org/review-prophet-song-by-paul-lynch-a-chilling-story-of-irelands-descent-into-a-fascist-regime/ (Opens in a new window)
One in three parents borrow money to afford their child’s school uniform, according to Save the Children NI poll
As schools start back, a poll commissioned by Save the Children NI has found the majority of parents surveyed (60 per cent) find it financially challenging to cover their children’s uniform costs – https://viewdigital.org/one-in-three-parents-borrow-money-to-afford-their-childs-school-uniform-according-to-save-the-children-ni-poll/ (Opens in a new window)
Deaf and Disabled organisations hit out at ‘systematic violations of disabled people’s rights due to austerity and welfare reform’
UK Deaf and Disabled People’s organisations have launched a scathing report on the government’s performance seven years on from a United Nations finding of grave and systematic violations of disabled people’s rights due to austerity and welfare reform – https://viewdigital.org/deaf-and-disabled-organisations-hit-out-at-systematic-violations-of-disabled-peoples-rights-due-to-austerity-and-welfare-reform/ (Opens in a new window)