Your monthly playlists for October 2024
Catch up with everything we’ve been writing about on tQ

It’s getting dark outside, the tonsured creature above is looking at me funny – time to get out these monthly playlists before things get weirder. Firstly, we had a rush of new members signing up over the weekend, to all of you, thanks very much. Secondly, as John is away at the moment your Low Culture Podcast will be delayed this month, with the Organic Intelligence playlist (on the legacy of broken beat) coming this week and the Low Culture Essay following. For now, these playlists of everything we wrote about last month are absolutely huge, clocking in at well over five ours of music. There’s anyone and everyone including the new Richard Dawson and Manics tracks, Moin, Shovel Dance Collective, Felicia Atkinson, LYZZA, The Bug, Memorials, LCD Soundsystem, Kim Gordon, Underworld, Eros, One True Pairing, Dawn Richard, TAAHLIAH, The Necks, Karl D’Silva, Alan Sparhawk, Heartworms, Gavin Friday and much more. You can find your playlists below. If you enjoy these, please do spread the word – we reckon all this music in one handy place is worth the subscription money alone. As ever, thanks for your support.
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