A Final Message for 2024…
As I wind down to full on hibernation mode in my (metaphorical) mountain cabin, which I wrote about over on my blog, (Opens in a new window) I wanted to share a final message with you all about the work of The Late Discovered Club.

For the last 2 years, in addition to the podcast, and creating a space for our late discovery stories to be heard and shared, I’ve been focused on developing a tailored post autism discovery support service, helping to create safer, more autistic inclusive safer spaces and faces.
We all know that there is a huge void of tailored support on offer, especially for those people who self-identify and cannot access a diagnosis, or are waiting years on waiting lists for an assessment (but are still autistic and still need support).
Post Discovery Support
Throughout 2024 The Late Discovered Club has expanded its offering of support to include:
Post Discovery Group Support Circles
Relational Space Support Circles
In Conversation Events with trusted professionals
Toolkit sessions
Fam(Ally) training (NEW for 2025)
FREE monthly Community Connection Circles
Online Mighty Community Space
Trusted Community of Professionals
And all of our support is now in one helpful place on our website.
*If you are a member always use your member code to apply your discount.
Our 10 year vision is to #connect1million late discovered autistic women and people through our work.
Read more about our 10 year vision. (Opens in a new window)
Community Partners…
A big thank you to all of our community partners (Opens in a new window) for supporting the work that we do (we’d love to welcome more!)
The Growth Pod
A Tidy Mind
Deborah Bulcock Coaching & Consulting
Hormones on the Blink
Thank you to our trusted Asta Community professionals (Opens in a new window)who have taken part in an ‘in conversation event’ in 2024:
Dr Alison Lennox
Dr. Jo Coombs
Dr Maria Daves
Sophie Thomas
Thank you to all of the workplaces and organizations who have signposted people to our support including post diagnostic support organisations.
2025 is the year that…
I bring in more people to help me deliver some of this, because climbing the breast cancer mountain has been exhausting, and I need to both acknowledge and honor my need to support myself and protect my energy (and this is not a one woman job!)
Pete Wharmby who is my co-host on the podcast in S4 which is coming in January and my training partner in our new Fam(Ally) series.
Victoria Matthews-Patel who is going to be facilitating our FREE community connection circles going forward. They will be on the first Monday of each month, 7-8pm. No need to book, just turn up. The zoom link is shared in the mighty space and in our community news. The next one is 8th January.
Courageous podcast guests
Thank you to all our guests who courageously came on the podcast in 2024 and shared their stories in S3, Interestingly, listeners aged 55+ grew the most in 2024 by 94%! We have reached listeners in over 125 countries and have almost 150K downloads.
Thank you to you…
And to you, whether you have listened to the podcast, accessed our post discovery support, been a part of our community in 2024, I hope you feel more connected, seen, heard, validated, understood and a sense of belonging as a result.
Community matters.
Thank you for your support, it really means so much.
3 other ways you can support us…
I hope that you can find your slow over the holidays….
Whatever that looks like for you.
We treat slowing down as self-indulgent, as if we owe everyone our time, but not ourselves. Find your slow, protect your slow, ask yourself now, in this moment ‘what do I need?’ and honor that need, in the loving and compassionate way you would for anyone else.
Why not you?
You are worthy of slow and serenity.