Emigration due to remigration?
September 2024

Could this be the start of something big? People are considering moving away from regions governed by radical right-wing parties.
Right-wing politics have been steadily gaining ground across Europe, with a noticeable impact on regional governance and development. In September, elections in some German states gave a boost to the radical right. This has accelerated the debate on how to deal with radical right-wing parties, but also their impact on regional development. There is increasing talk of people wanting to leave the region or even Germany if they come to power. These are not necessarily the people with a migrant background, whom these parties want to 'remigrate' anyway.
In this context a recent study about ‘Rejection, fear and plans to leave (Opens in a new window)’ by DeZIM, the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research, is very timely. The study was conducted before the elections in some German states in September, but it provides insights into the possible consequences of the election results. It examines the societal impact of the growing influence of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, focusing in particular on public perceptions of the party's controversial policies and their impact on migration plans. The study is based on a nationwide survey conducted in March 2024 and focuses on how people perceive the AfD, particularly in light of its plans for 'remigration' - a controversial proposal to deport large numbers of immigrants from Germany.
Although the study focuses on Germany, its findings are likely to resonate across the EU. Many EU member states have experienced similar upsurges in right-wing politics, making the study's findings broadly relevant to understanding the wider European political and developmental landscape.
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