Join us on a musical journey to Nashville … The Autumn edition playlist is here

Featuring the issue’s songwriters and their hits, dive into the sounds of Music City, USA…
We really hope you’re enjoying the latest edition of the magazine (Opens in a new window), taking you deep into the heart of Nashville, where musicians/songwriters from around the world flock to, as they try to make it in a city that’s all about the song. From Broadway to Music Row, there isn’t another place on earth quite like it – that’s why we’ve dedicated an entire issue to the place.
We’ve picked out 20 songs that highlight the quality of the songwriters we had the pleasure of spending time with, who shared some of their process with us, and revealed a little more about how Nashville gets things done. Yes, there’s a big ol’ slice of country music for you to enjoy, but there’s also some punk, pop, and many other genres to highlight that there’s breadth to go with the depth.
Included in the playlist below:
Lies Lies Lies
“We really took our time with that song. I was going through something with someone, a romantic thing. At least for me that day, I was injecting a lot of that into the song. I'm just really proud of that song.” — Jessie Jo Dillon
Halfway To Hell
“I remember in the chorus specifically I had said that, “Halfway to heaven or halfway to hell/My angels and demons at war with myself,” and that's when Jelly [Roll] was like, ‘Yeah, that's it.’ I love words and I don't like being on a song that I don't think the lyric is good. I definitely paid a lot of attention to them, and I wanted to really describe him. “I'm a county jail revival/I'm a bottle and a Bible,” all of those things are very him and he's very open about that.” — Jessie Jo Dillon
Carrying Your Love With Me
“The song has a universality that allows people to plug their own lives into it. I was at a wedding, one of my daughter's friends. He'd been deployed to Iraq, and they'd had on-again, off-again problems. The bride's dad said, ‘Wait until you see what the first dance is, you’re gonna love it,’ and the first dance was Carrying Your Love With Me. The bride was about eight months pregnant, and so they said that that song was their song, and it had held them together even though they had to be apart. That's the power of song.” — Steve Bogard
In My Daughter’s Eyes
“After 9/11, I wanted to be closer to my family for the next few years, to see them more. I remember getting that title, and I read an article about Faith Hill, who had three daughters. Martina McBride had three daughters at the time, and Garth Brooks had three daughters. My brother had just had a daughter and I thought, ‘Man, I'm gonna write a gift to him.’” — James T. Slater
You In ‘85
“I wrote four songs for my new album, Go Down Singin’, with Lori McKenna, who’s an incredible songwriter and artist in her own right. You In ‘85 was actually her idea, because we were talking about my dad, who passed away suddenly when I was in college, and how that loss has impacted me so much over the years – and especially how it impacts my music. She basically wanted to kind of wrap our minds around what it would be like if I could go back to 1985 with my dad…” — Chase Rice
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