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Why we need money

Basically - to get off youtube and to pay for webhosting (Opens in a new window) started as a small private collection of passing videos on Juli´s (that´s me) phone that were used for teaching passing patterns. Next step, the videos were published online via Youtube and a website on a 1€ hosting. More and people were using them. And more and more people were reporting problems with Youtube. Videos weren´t available in all countries or at all times or for all users.
In 2018, (Opens in a new window) switched to a free Vimeo account. This worked well, until the upload limit was reached. A second free Vimeo account was started. In summer 2019, (Opens in a new window) stopped taking on new videos. More videos were coming to (Opens in a new window).
The major drawback of the free Vimeo was, that you could not adjust playback speed. Bad for jugglers, obviously. Several amazing people offered to contribute towards covering the costs for a paid Vimeo (with playback speed adjustment). Also, the hosting for the web site had to be upgraded to a better (and more expensive) one.
So, this is now my proof of fire. I hate asking for money (or help) but now, I´m asking you to please contribute a few euros for covering the monetary costs of (Opens in a new window).


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