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Slow and Steady

Hello Steady supporters, and welcome to your monthly update on all things Norwich Radical! We hope you’ve been able to stay safe and well in what has been a tumultuous few weeks for many parts of the world.

This month has been a bit quieter for us in terms of publication, but we have been busy working on a variety of things behind the scenes. Our annual fee from the Information Commissioner’s Office came through recently - dull news, we know, but this is exactly the kind of thing that your support is helping us with. Thanks to the funds we’re receiving through Steady, we can now deal with these administrative expenses without worry, which gives us more time to focus on the important work we do.

Speaking of which, we’ve been planning a workshop for our volunteers on the craft of editing, which will take place towards the end of March. We are still a long way from being able to pay our volunteers for their time, but we can offer skill-sharing and training to help folks improve their writing and other skills while they work with us. This kind of mutual improvement is a core part of the Radical’s mission as a publication, and we’re excited to see what comes out of this workshop!

You may have seen that we published a statement on the invasion of Ukraine in recent weeks. You can read it in full on our facebook, twitter or instagram pages, but to summarise, we do not expect to be publishing a great deal of original material about the invasion. At this stage we would like to echo the words of others in the independent media in pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards of western media and governments, including the UK. There is still a shocking lack of coverage of and sympathy towards similar conflicts in the region, and indeed elsewhere - such as the recent US attack on Somalia, the events taking place in Yemen, and the ongoing Israeli oppression of Palestinians. We stand in full solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and the people of Russia, who categorically refuse this senseless war.

To finish on a slightly lighter note: we’re not able to share full details yet, but we received word this week that the Radical is being recognised with some exciting awards! Keep an eye on our socials later in March for the full scoop… Until then, see below for some of our recent publications that we're particularly proud of. Stay safe, and stay Radical!

- The Norwich Radical Editorial Team 

Ananya Wilson-Bhattacharya reviews Two Billion Beats, a recent play about how two British South Asian teenage sisters reconcile their understanding of history with their mother's. (Opens in a new window)

Sarah Edgcumbe reads the first print issue of the other side of hope, a new magazine of refugee and immigrant literature. (Opens in a new window)

Guest writer Sophie Ciurlik-Rittenbaum brings us the latest from the long-running campaign for fossil fuel divestment at the University of East Anglia. (Opens in a new window)


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