Film Recommendation

Sometimes, the universe conspires to help you with the tough editorial decisions you face each and every day. I was reading my daughter a storybook when my phone buzzed, and my colleague Hannah Strong had sent through a screenshot of a F*c*book post that was from David Lynch’s family. It was an announcement of his death. My initial reaction was, “Well, it’s just a screenshot of a F*c*book post – probably just a scam.” And then the trade papers started to roll out their death notices, and the reality started to hit home. I turned over my phone, finished reading the book with my daughter, and then started to gauge reactions probably as a way to soften my own sadness. This is what people really mean by doomscrolling – the realisation that one of planet Earth’s most vital and unique artists had suddenly chosen to depart to The Other Place.
There will be a time and place for deeper reflection and mourning, and there will definitely be something meaningful in the next issue of Little White Lies to dig into. It actually kills me that we never got to put a Lynch film on the cover, as what would ultimately be his feature swansong, 2006’s Inland Empire, came out one year after the magazine’s inception in 2005. When great filmmakers die, my default mode is that rather than dive into the writing and analysis, I want to go back to the source and re-experience the films (“re-watch” doesn’t seem the right word for it when it comes to Lynch). Following a short conversation with my wife, it transpired that she had never seen Blue Velvet (not only could I have sworn she had, but multiple times!), and so this was the one it had to be.
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