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Latest GOOD INTERNET for March 

Here's the latest posts on the GOOD INTERNET (Opens in a new window)-newsletter:

In the latest issue from this morning, i write about an open letter signed by Steve Wozniak, Yuval Noah Harari and Elon Musk, which calls for a six month pause of AI-development, and why i signed it too.

I signed this proposal to pause LLM-training because systems mimicing human cognition may hijack our ability to develop a theory of mind, which is foundational to any and all human cognition. The anthropomorphization-trap of AI may run deep and “move fast and break things“ is not a good attitude when it comes to human cognition.

Read it here: The AI-risk of a synthetic Theory of Mind - why I signed a hitlist for Roko's Basilisk (Opens in a new window).

Other posts from this month:

And, ofcourse, a myriad of new tracks on my GOOD MUSIC (Opens in a new window)-newsletter. I especially want to point out this kickass song by the Lambrini Girls (Opens in a new window), that the new Feist-single (Opens in a new window) is a wonderful, 100gecs are still crazy (Opens in a new window), this track by Drain (Opens in a new window) is a great kick in the butt, this metal-infused psychedelic shoegaze (Opens in a new window) by 802 is awesome, and the fantastic Skating Polly are finally back (Opens in a new window)!

Thank you for your ongoing support! Tell your friends!


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