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Elina's Alchemy Weekly Newsletter (July 3rd-9th 2023)

Hello, my beautiful Alchemists!

I am sending you my love as I am sitting here today shuffling cards and sitting with Spirit for the new week, asking for guidance for our little exclusive newsletter community.

This past week has been super intense for me personally and for a lot of people who have come to me for assistance in their journey. If it has been like that for you, too, please know that you are not alone and that this week, a message of love and support from our Angels collectively is being extended. There is a message of reminding us of the love that we are, the beauty that we are, independently from other people's attitudes towards us or other people's actions affecting us directly or indirectly. We are being called to spend time nurturing the beauty and softness from within. Working with rose essential oil and myrrh incense is recommended.

This week has a sense of 4 of swords - reprieve and rest after turbulence. Softness and giving yourself grace is needed this week. When pulling a card for this week as a collective energy, we get the Queen of Spades - Perception.

We are being advised to be very mindful about what it is we choose to plug into, because this is what we will be perceiving more of in our day to day. An act of self-love can often be to choose to not interfere with what is not our battle or choose our battles more mindfully. If it is recovery you need this week, avoid going into confrontations. ''Let other people's drama be their drama'', is what I hear as I'm writing.

Having said all that, here is your exclusive pick a card and some resources to help your through the new week!

KEEP IN MIND: July 3rd/4th we have a Full Supermoon in Capricorn! Perfect time to release ancestral baggage or limiting consciousness we have inherited/received from our parents/lineage. Work with Spirit through prayer, set your intentions for what you wish to release this time around. All the way down, you will find a channeled prayer on ancestral clearing from my book, ''The Alchemy Of Angelic Invocation'', available on Amazon (EU (Opens in a new window) / USA (Opens in a new window) / UK (Opens in a new window) / AU (Opens in a new window)) :)

Your Weekly Pick A Card:

Pick a card and then scroll further below to reveal your messages!

"Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul."

– Augustine

Card 1

Wheel Of Fortune & Ace Of Hearts

The Wheel of Fortune in the Jane Austen tarot deck speaks of DESTINY and the Ace of Hearts speaks of CREATIVITY. This week, things that occur are fated. How you manage what shows up depends on how good you feel. This week you may start to notice this either in easy or in difficult ways. Bottom line, the need for grounding and time for the things you love, is becoming evident this week. You could be working a full week in an office and feel drained but if you squeeze in even two hours/week time for something you love doing, you will feel new life stirring in your lungs. Start small, expand as you go. You will find your reality making more and more space to facilitate that which you are giving the Universe the signal that you have started making time for. This is an invitation to honor your hearts desires a small step at a time, starting small from where you are. Creative play is what strengthens and lightens the heart and this week, either by rejoicing in the things you love or by noticing the lack of things to look forward to, you are to become conscious of what is missing and what you therefore wish to bring into your day to day. Hint: it's something creative, something play-like, maybe even something you used to do as a child, a hobby or a heart-expanding pastime. This week helps you identify the need to honor what you feel is in there, ready to be birthed into the world through you. Visions for new lifestyles, new careers, new ways of thinking are likely to be birthed this week. One thing is for sure: a journey begins, that is divinely guided! Ask your Angels and Guides to help you as you go, they are literally cheering you on!

Work with: Brainwaves and meditation, breathwork and speaking with Spirit, specifically requesting to be assisted in recognising opportunities, is key.

Card 2

Justice (Balance) & 3 Of Hearts (Celebration)

This week you are being encouraged to ensure there is balance in everything you do. You are actively seeking to bring more joy in your life in the form of attaining elevated moods on the daily. I get the vision of someone wanting to just be feeling good when they wake up in the morning. There is a bit of practicality here to be looked at - Spirit is asking me to recommend that you review your calendar and do a purge where you only keep the absolutely necessary stuff. What can be delegated? You want to go through a bit of a sifting and sorting of obligations. The upliftment you seek is very close at hand, though I am being told that you currently have been loading yourself too much and your energy is somewhat depleted. When we are tired we cannot feel our best - obviously. At the same time, there is here a message of congratulations for how you have handled past decisions. You are to be rewarded for addressing an issue with truth and integrity, Spirit commends you as what I am hearing is ''sometimes what you need to do is not the easy thing''. At the same time, you are being asked to now surrender this issue into the hands of the divine and remove yourself, you have done enough (this is a very specific message for someone and may not apply to everyone, I apologize, Spirit's orders, hehe). You have taken it upon yourself to fix a situation when it has not been your job to do it all. You have done your part, now let it go, do not add more ''obligations/duties'' on your shoulders. Focus on spending time with friends or people who nurish your heart (it could even be someone whose videos you watch on YouTube and they help you feel better), spend time out, schedule for breaks in between tasks/work, do a face mask, there's also a message here about animals and the idea to volunteer as a dog-walker, it will bring you a lot of joy. Cut out the drama, you've done your best, now it's joy time! When you feel down, make the conscious decision to vizualize your energy expanding outwardly and you will feel your light returning. Ask your Angels to send you healing white light and to uplift your energy in a way that you can feel clearly within one our of your prayer (request this timing or sooner).

Work with: Brainwaves (theta between 7-8 Hz while playing positive affirmations to get them to click in your brain), meditation, breathwork and speaking with Spirit, specifically requesting to be assisted in recognising opportunities for joy this week - and... well, daily!

Card 3

King Of Hearts, 8 Of Clubs, Jack Of Spades & 3 Of Spades

Your cards are the many this week and that's because they tell a story. You may be dealing with a bit of difficult energy this week but fear not, this is not a reflection of reality, this is rather an echo of past trauma or past experiences that left a lasting mark/imprinted a certain message in your mind. That message has to do with rejection and the need to be cautious with new love/opportunities. ''Betrayal is to be expected'' is something I hear. This is not what Spirit says, though, this is what the wounded inner child believes based on the experiences it has made. I am not sure if this message is limited to this week or if it is simply a message that had to find you at this time, but I see someone coming in with love that creates movement in the issue of your healing. You want to be cautious with everything, yes, but this week, I see things happening (not necessarily something harsh, do not fear, as sometimes it is the most gentle act of love can bring us to tears because we have never felt such kindness from another before). A grandfather figure is coming through for someone to send love, as well. Generally this pile has a lot of ancestral energy helping them sort out issues around love (romantic mostly but also love on all levels, caring and harmony in relationships with people in your life - we want to move you away from the signature of betrayal/trust issues/fear of betrayal/expecting the negative experiences of the past to come back around in new relationships etc). They want to see you succeed there. Past rejection plays a big role here and this week you may come to recognize how ''overly cautious'' you may have grown. There is a sense of ''guarding my heart'' and a deep sense of sorrow underneath an upbeat/independent/rebelious exterior. For some of you, you may be going on a date with someone for the first time this week and doubts/fears may be cropping up. You want to pour extra love to yourself and soothe wherever you can with journaling and giving space to those hurt parts within you to tell their story and have their experiences validated. There is the energy of harsh upbringings for some and Spirit wants to confirm that you deserve sweetness, enough harshness. Working with sweet scents like sweet orange can help introduce the joy and sweetness into your consciousness. I see the energy of finishing something you didn't have the chance to process as a child/earlier in your life. Trust that you are guided in this proccess, your Angels and Guides are literally holding the tissues and stroking gently your back as you heal your path back to trust and relaxation (not being guarded anymore in ways that limit your capacity to receive).

Work with: Archangel Michael, Chamuel, Haziel (working with Haziel for forgiveness and letting go of the past). Rose, Rosemary, Chamomile, Thyme herbs/essential oils, sweet orange to bring in sweetness.

This Full Moon in Capricorn (July 3-4)...

bring healing to your ancestral path with this ritual prayer:


9 Week Prayer

You will need one white candle that you will be lighting every Tuesday for 9 consecutive weeks. Every Tuesday for 9 weeks, you will be offering a light and doing this prayer, facing east. Have a salt bath or if this is not possible, wash your face, hands and feet and rinse your mouth with water. Wear light coloured clothes, preferrably white. You may dedicate this prayer to Archangel Michael by placing a symbol or picture of the Archangel on your altar or in front of you while doing this powerful invocation. It helps a lot to know what patterns or energies you wish to cleanse from your lineage.

Creator of All Beings x3, my own personal Team of Guardian Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and Teachers, Divine Temples and Akashic Records Keepers, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel - I resort to your protection and your help and I request the following for myself and my whole lineage and ancestry on all versions of time and space into eternity and beyond:

Clear, cleanse and purify any and all limitations that disallow access to personal Power and Truth, in all ways that are appropriate for myself and each Soul that I have ever been related to, as is appropriate with their own God-given free will.

Reverse, erase, clear, cancel, delete, severe and disconnect, cut and discontinue, render null and void at root cause and issue any and all curses, hexes, negative self-fulfilling prophecies and expectations, negative soul contracts, negative agreements, pacts, bindings, spells, evil eye, anger spears, negative thoughts forms, psychic attack and other negative enchantments, vows, oaths and promises, negative unjustified karma, negative karmic entanglements and negative energetic enmeshment, generational curses and any other source of struggle and disempowerment or confusion found within the history of my whole ancestry and associated bloodlines - including all those contracts, oaths and agreements that are considered irrevocable.

Remove any negative entities and spirit attachments interfering with the prosperity, health and wellbeing of my familial line and close all portals and gateways or other points of connection between these entities and my lineage - including points of connection found within or tied to actual buildings, land or other types of property belonging to and or being passed down within my family lines. Seal all openings with Golden Creator substance.

Reverse all illness or sickness of the body, mind or spirit found within my lineage and help establish circumstances for optimal health as is appropriate for each Soul concerned and their current path and stage of evolution at this time.

Correct the giving away of personal power and denying of truth found anywhere and at any point of my ancestry’s stories and within any interactions and let divine love, light and truth expand within me and all who have ever belonged to my lineage and ancestry, guide us all towards integrity, clarity of purpose, peace and harmony.

Heal, repair and restore to optimal function the Divine Godspark, Soul Matrix and Blueprint of all Souls related to my ancestry and lineage up to this day and beyond through all dimensions, versions of time and space and into eternity.

Clear, cut and disconnect any negative repeating cycles of distortion and patterns of negativity that have been perpetuated through my family’s history and place spheres of protection around and about my whole lineage, ancestry and family, our property, relationships, health, connection with Source and Self, abundance and prosperity, wellbeing and success, harmony and peace, love and gratitude, appreciation for the present and positive expectation for the future of ours and that of generations to come.

In the Highest Good of All, I decree and ask on my behalf and that of my whole family, ancestry and future related bloodlines connected to my lineage, that from this day and forth, all difficulty, struggle and suffering be lifted off of us and that joy finds its way back into our lives, wealth, prosperity, love, true and genuine soul connections, appreciation and compassion, happiness and fulfillment, passion and drive for divine co-creation with the Universe, optimism and hope, faith and belief in good outcomes, wonderful solutions, communication and true sharing, kindness, sovereignty, healthy boundaries, excellence, acknowledgement and recognition, progress and protection over our lives, relationships and achievements, power and longevity - bless us all with their entrance into our life and experience on all levels and areas, in all versions and all times, all dimensions, through all time and space, into eternity.

Ever-loving Source, Archangel Michael and beloved Divine Intelligence, in the Highest Good of All, in best of faith, I entrust this intention of mine, into your Hands to be carried out in joy, in alignment with the highest Good of All. And so it is - it is done. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

On a last note...

I want to share with you an impromptu livestream I posted yesterday on my YouTube channel, hoping it helps you unpack any challenging experiences with the help of the Intuitive Mind. (Opens in a new window)

If you need me for any assistance this week, please note that the website is under maintainance still but the online shop is fully operational and you can book your reading/healing sessions from there - I will be happy to support you.

I will be posting on YouTube a PICK A CARD reading with messages from the riverside, which gives us the opportunity to release and let go into the river what no longer serves and to ask in exchange for the river to bring us a blessing. Furthermore, a reading/message from Spirit arrived the other day in regards to ancestral energies linking into the Full Moon in Capricorn so keep an eye out for these videos on my YouTube channel.

All my Love,

Your Elina