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A 12-Year-Old on the Cross

In this AthensLive week's roundup from Greece, we report on a concerning rise in homophobia, conservatism, and systemic issues. A mob attacked two LGBTQ+ people in Thessaloniki, while a SYRIZA leader and supporters of same-sex marriage faced verbal abuse and threats. A feminist movie screening sparked outrage due to its poster, indicating a societal shift towards intolerance. Moreover, a prosecutor's controversial proposal to acquit a main defendant in the rape and exploitation case of a 12-year-old girl has caused widespread outrage, highlighting potential regressions in justice and societal attitudes towards victims of sexual abuse.

Healthcare in Greece is facing significant challenges, as illustrated by the introduction of "evening surgeries" and the tragic suicide of a cancer patient due to drug shortages and unbearable pain. These incidents underscore systemic failures in providing essential medical services and highlight the desperate measures some patients are forced to take. The government's approach to healthcare, including the promotion of evening surgeries and the formation of mobile units of doctors, has been criticized for not addressing the root causes of these issues, such as staffing shortages and inaccessible treatments.

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