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Every day life Christs

Dear reader,

This is our weekly round-up from Greece.

The government's effort to ban a neonazi party is reported as detrimental to democracy itself. Critics say they were after the ban only to prevent loss of votes. 

Like their calvary due to insufficient disease, cancer patients who protested hospital shortages were harassed by ND MPs security guards. The brother of one of the train crash victims made a moving plea to boost a children's hospital in memory of his dead sibling.

The floating body of a dead child was found off the shore of Syros Island. Shortly after, on the eve of Greek Easter, the PM defended the Evros Wall and a migration policy that caused so much death and suffering.

Banning a far-right party ends up hurting democracy

Elections are just over a month away, yet the Greek political parties seem to have just 'discovered' that jailed ex-Golden Dawn leading figure Ilias Kasidiaris has a YouTube channel with more than 134,000 followers he uses to create a new political party.

It's also quite 'strange' how this well-known inmate in a high-security jail could flagrantly and continuously breach the jail code by using social media like Twitter to address supporters and even presiding over meetings of his party officials, albeit by phone. The jail code provides that prisoners can communicate only with relatives and lawyers. He has also been allowed to air radio shows from prison.

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